
Monday, August 29, 2011


Well, when last I left Hurricane Irene was bearing down on the East Coast, I had just finished my 15th stumpwork petal, and I was lamenting the need for a better pair of trimming scissors.

Luckily for Maryland, the Hurricane caused power outages and downed trees but the flooding and damage were minor compared to what was predicted. Thank you all for your crossed fingers and well wishes. They worked!

As for trimming my petals, I did go on a hunt for a better pair of scissors...And though I loved Gerry's idea of buying a pair at the fly fishing store, my local needlework store was closer and I had to get them before the storm hit.

The pair on the left is my every day Gingher embroidery scissors...the pair on the right is my new Dovo scissors with tapered ends...

Those tapered ends allowed me to make a much finer cut. Below, the petals on the left were cut with my everyday Ginghers and the set on the right were cut with my new pair...

And so, I spent the time during the hurricane trimming my petals and sinking them onto my ground fabric...

I thought I would stitch the background first but changed my mind about that. I just needed to see what would happen to the piece once I attached all the petals...

So far so good. Only thing I noticed was that I need to make about another 10 petals to "fill out" the existing flowers and to create a few others. No wimpy flowers on this sirree.

But *Ugh*.

I'm a little tired of petaling at this point. I think I'll move onto something else just to give myself a break for a few days.

Until next time...


  1. They look wonderful!! I already feel like Holly G..... Glad to hear your storm effects were minimal as were ours here in MA.

  2. Glad to hear Irene left you to your stitching... love the dimension these will bring to your Tiffany piece. I've got a new post up on my blog... finally! ;0)

  3. Glad Irene left you in piece and that you found your scissors.
    Your Tiffany piece will look great.

  4. So thankful the storm reduced for you. Your new scissors look like they do a wonderful close job. Your fancy piece is looking so beautiful. Blissful week to you...

  5. Pleased to hear you are ok after Irene visited.
    Your stumpwork is gorgeous!
    Have a great week,

    Sandie xx

  6. OK, I'll ask..where did you buy your Dovo scissors?

  7. Your petals look beautiful! So glad the storm was not as bad as expected!

  8. Your petals look beautiful! So glad the storm was not as bad as expected!

  9. Glad to hear you weathered Irene's wrath! Petal away! Your flowers look terrific. How about a shot of the whole thing....pretty please?

  10. Your petals are beautiful, such pretty shapes. The wire you're working with seems to be quite strong, what size are you using? Good to hear that the damage was less than expected.

  11. Glad you are all ok.The scissors look like they have a good sharp tip.I have some very sharp hardhanger scissors I use for stumpwork. For some reason they seem to give me more control when I'm trimming edges.


  12. Thank you, Irene for giving my friend time to stitch and not causing too much damage in Ellicott.

    The wired petals look sensational, as I thought they would :-)

  13. Anonymous6:07 AM

    So glad to hear that the hurricane turned out less tumultuous than was feared.. we worried about you!

    I love that stiletto you are using to sink the petals. There's a lot to be said for taking delight in one's tools.

  14. Don't you just love your new scissors. The flowers are lovely.

  15. It's amazing what a difference a good pair of scissors can make. Even though you are weary of this piece, it is truly gorgeous.

  16. Wow! those petals look amazing and love those scissors! Worried about you this weekend with Irene bearing down on the Coast. Keep petaling!

  17. No holding back from the demands of the piece! That's the spirit...

  18. When I read how many detached petals you were doing, I thought "she's gonna get really sick of doing those!" (been there, done that) but the finished piece is going to look ****beautfiul*****Very original with the detached petal flowers and the applique.

  19. First I must say I love the gold handled...awl? Or is it a laying tool? What ever it is LOVELY covers it. The scissors...lucky you found some good ones. Good scissors do make a difference. The petals...the petals...the petals...the petals...Okay enough,
    I know you are weary of making the petals, but look how much they add to the peice. Go on and finish them up or else you will be dreading doing them and thinking about them the whole time. The petals....the petals....will haunt you.


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Have a wonder-filled life!