
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Fascinating Fourth

The Fourth of July just might be my family's favorite holiday.

And we're not shy about showing our patriotic spirit...

Over the years, we've made shirts, shorts, hats and shirts again.

But this year, we borrowed a page from Princess Kate's book, and we made fascinators.

And for those that were worried about Jack...(and the rest of the boys)...they were happy with plastic top hats and duct tape. Their needs are simple.

But the girls...well...

They are a little more complicated. And Jack can attest to that.

They spent most of Sunday afternoon making their hats...

So after all their hard work, we had to have a photo shoot...

Due to the sun and the heat, we took pictures down in the shade at my sister's condo...

And it was just a short walk along the canal to return to my father's place.

But the walk turned into an impromptu parade.

It's not every day a festive group of fascinators saunters by in all their festoonery...

Neighbors all turned out on their porches to greet the fascinating spectacle...

Some even came downstairs to get a closer look...

And the smiles and waving and clapping continued the whole way back to my Dad's...

Meanwhile, the dog took the opportunity to bolt while everyone was distracted...

But, thanks to Linz, he didn't get very far...

All the kids love my sister's dog, Finnigan, but Linz seems to be the one who watches him the most...

Here's a pic of everyone who made a hat...and a few extras...

As you can see, we've expanded beyond our immediate family to include friends and neighbors...

And should you believe that fascinating is only for the young...I'll have you know we're an equal-opportunity, fascinator operation ~ with no age restrictions.

This fascinating friend is 88!!

And here's a picture of my Dad with all his fascinating grandchildren...

Without him, none of this would be possible.

And for what it's worth, I highly recommend The Fascinator --not only as a fashion statement -- but as one of the most brilliant public relations tools ever invented.

I believe it's the sole reason why the world is so in love with Princess Kate.

Fascinators not only transform the wearer, they transform the mood of everyone who sees them...

They are...well...


Maybe all the world needs is a little more hat...

Tomorrow I'll show you how we made them...


  1. What an amazing family, and amazing photos. I'm convinced - the world does need more hat! Reading your blog always leaves me smiling. Thank you!

  2. Well I was in love with the bathing suit photo but now it is just WOW! What a fun time. Can I come next year?
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  3. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Fantastic! I love how your family all join in with the fun of fascinating. Each hat is brilliant.

  4. What a beautiful family! Everyone did a great job with their hats.

  5. What an awesome family! I so enjoyed looking at the those fascinators! Each one a work of art! Great job to each participant!

  6. Fabulous fascinators on your fabulous family!! How great is that... it must have been a blast! I have to say, that Jack and the cousin with the dipped in gray ink hair look sooooo much alike, my goodness! Strong family genes. ;0)

  7. I love your blog and I love your family, and I really, really am a fan of the dog! We have a Yorkie who is a threat to bolt that looks just like yours and I laughed out loud when I saw his picture! The fascinators are amazing! They are very over-the-top British looking! I agree with you, we need a little more hat! Your family is beautiful!

  8. Fascinator-tastic. I think you have some budding Princesses amongst those nieces (I'd better alert Prince Harry). I've known for a long time that you are the best Aunty in the Universe. Now all of your nieces friends have found out and want to join in the fun!

  9. It is just TOO much fun watching those kids get involved and look genuinely happy to BE involved. Your fun bunch brings out the kid in everyone as evidenced by the neighbors that wanted an up close look.

    Wonderful post. You had me grinning from ear to ear.
    xx, Carol

  10. Susan, I just knew your fascinators would be amazing! And you did not disappoint! What an awesome auntie you are - I bet you all had so much fun creating! As always- great pics of your wonderful family. Can I come next year too??
    Thanks for the smiles...

  11. Adorable!! just adorable!!! what a happy lot they are!!!

  12. Now how much fun was that! I love how everyone was smiling at and with all of you. Such a great looking family and such great memories! Thanks for sharing with us and the smile!

  13. Wow!!! I agree with Teresa...Can we all come to your 4th. of July next year? You sure know how to party. Thanks for sharing your family with us. Lise

  14. I don't see how you can top this year off! Great job to all the girls and Jack for a spectacular July 4th.

  15. Anonymous10:25 PM

    I'll save your tutorial for future reference. I agree - we might all smile a little more if everyone were wearing fascinators. I hope you start a trend!!

  16. Superb family fun!!!!

  17. Wow, Susan, you must be queen of the funnest projects! I can't wait to see how they are concocted. BTW, love your dad's shirt! Looks like everyone had a fabulous time.

  18. I LOVE them! What great creative juices run in your family. Can't wait to see how you made them. I too love the facinators.

  19. Fascinating! :) What a beautiful and creative family! Congratulations to all and thank you for sharing.

  20. Your family must really cheer up the neighbourhood - fashion parades and everything!

  21. I've discovered fascinators last year while in Australia, and I love them. They are just appearing in France. But nothing to do with the beauties you made. The whole family is gorgeous!
    Ps, can
    I come next 4th of July, with Evelyn, Lise and Teresa?

  22. ohhh wow loved those fascinaters :)you have a lovely family and the parade looked like a lot of fun even if impromptu :) love mouse xxxx

  23. i was just gonna ask how you made i will read on :)
    the photos were fantastic, and the kids will cherish them, along with these wonderful memories forever! the kids must LOVE going to your house...or at least enjoy it when you bring all your craft supplies! How fun!

  24. It doesn't get much better than to see a family that shares so much love, joy and smiles. The fascinators are like icing on the cake. Thanks for sharing this.

  25. I KNEW it! When I saw those round pieces and the combs, I knew it would be fascinators!!! They are so COOL! What a great idea! You've got such a creative family! And Hooray for you, the "creative ringleader"! (Sorry, I have an abundance of !!!s, but this is just so neat!)

  26. Wonderful! It's great to read of your family playing together, sharing, and creating. What wonderful memories you are making.

  27. Wonderful, fascinating, love the hats and glad you have such a loving family to wear them.


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