
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm petaling...

Nothing sexy today.

Just the tedious task of overcasting 15 flower petals for placement onto my Breakfast at Tiffany's crazy quilt block. I hope to get the 10 petals stitched over a sandwich of silk organza and two layers of silk tulle...finished today? Eyes willing....

Then I could do the five bobbinet petals tomorrow?

Keep petaling....keep petaling...

And isn't it funny? I'm going on my first bike ride today in over 8 months so I'll be pedaling in more ways than one...


  1. just remember the quote you have under your profile picture! I can't wait to see your finished piece.

  2. How Funny
    Before I ever saw your last line, I was thinking of peddling and looked back to see you had typed petaling.

    I'm on your wavelength yet again.
    xx, Carol

  3. how interesting...can't wait to see it.

  4. These are such tiny delicate pieces - don't overstrain your eyes!

  5. What a glorious day for a bike ride!!!!! The weather is amazing isn't it??? Have a great ride!!

  6. I am *most* interested in how you go using the organza and tulle.

    Organza recently defeated me just in surface embroidery. Kept getting little 'needle runs' where I stitched - and I was only using a No. 10 Sharp and a single strand of DMC!

    Fray Stop may become a good friend here....

  7. Dear Susan,
    Hope your eyes are holding out. I was at the Jean Paul Gaultier press preview on Tuesday and once again you were on my mind as I toured the galleries. I took lots of photos of the embroidery and beading and will be writing a post for you. This exhibition will travel to the USA - Dallas and San Francisco so maybe you will get to see it in person perhaps.

  8. Hi Susan,
    your work is Beautiful !!!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!