
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cherry Blooms

Just a quick pictorial update.

I've had my nose to the grindstone and I'm getting much closer to being finished.

Luckily, Leslie Ehrlich said I could send the block to her next week so that bought me a few, much-needed extra days.

I tried to stitch the cherry blossoms on the left with Au ver a soie stranded silk in a similar manner as those I stitch in Japanese embroidery. I learned that I didn't like that approach. I think I would have much preferred flat silk or using a long/short stitch with one strand of DMC..

That's water under the Japanese bridge though...I don't have time to change it now.

I'm thinking of beading that beautiful hand-painted silk on the right...and then I just have one final motif to work out.

Until next time...


  1. So far I think the bridge and the water are my favourite bits, but there's so much lovely work in this block it's hard to be sure!

  2. should be framed!

  3. This is looking so good. I'm enjoying the process and look forward to the finale.

  4. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Susan, the work, detail and care which have gone into this block are amazing. You continually weave your heart and soul into your work - well worth a few extra days wait. It is stunning.

  5. I'm hoping everyone is noticing the really cool seam treatment you did on the green patch... You will have to go some to ever top that bridge.... Hugs Ger

  6. Glorious work Susan!! i love the way you have stitched the bridge and depicted the swirling water. Amazing!!! Have a Happy Fourth- you are probably off to the beach! Have a great time- wish I could meet you there!! Hugs!

  7. Your extended deadline is to their benefit... and ours. Awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Oh, my! This is just gorgeous! I can't pick a favorite part.

  9. I'm enjoying reading about the progression - beautiful bridge!

  10. The bridge is really special, and I didn't have any difficulty identifyig the water as water - it looks just great! And I love your twisted leaves too!

    Oh, look - Rachel said pretty much the same thing in her comment!

  11. I tried to post yesterday but it was acting really weird and didn't work. Love this new piece and hearing your thought process as you created it. The river is so cool looking; your work is just amazing, Susan!

  12. je me suis longuement laissée aller au fil de vos merveilles...
    je suis sous le charme!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!