
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Meeting Elizabeth!

Elizabeth Woodford and I have been blogging needle friends (BNFs) for a couple of years now and we finally had the chance to meet each other in Alexandria, VA yesterday.

Since the Woodlawn Needlework Exhibit is about halfway between the two of us (Elizabeth lives in Virginia and I'm in Maryland), we decided to meet there and see the exhibit together. We spent a few hours touring the show, eating lunch and talking non-stop.

It's funny to meet BNFs in person after you have gotten to know them so well online. We know so much and little. We have knowledge of the other through what we each have chosen to share with each other on our blogs. But that leaves the whole rest of someone's life to get caught up on!!

Well...I'm here to tell you that Elizabeth and I had one heck of a first date!

Elizabeth has to be one of the most upbeat, positive, and supportive friends I have online. Her work is exuberant and full of life. Whether she's teaching felting to school children (LOVE this post), making art quilts, dying, journaling, jewelry making...she happily does it all...and does it well.

Check out this beautiful scarf that she Nuno-felted using a silk crepe de chine blouse from the thrift store, some lace from a garage sale and a little bit of wool roving...!

She just whipped it together on Sunday so she could wear it to our date on Monday! Love the colors...Elizabeth also loves gardening and flowers.

Today she taught a Beaded Cuff class. Each cuff is unique to the maker and her classes are getting rave reviews. I LOVED this cuff...and "Happy" is most definitely Elizabeth's signature.

After lunch, Elizabeth took me to her favorite bead shoppe which was only 10 minutes from Woodlawn...Beads Limited. Oh, it's a "must see"!

This is the owner Rosalie Lamanna or "Ro"...she's a joy.

And she has filled her store from floor to ceiling with stringed beads...many of them vintage. Even the back of the door was covered!

It was a wonderful shop located inside of an old brick apartment building complex -- not a "normal" location for a bead store but it works! And it's only 10 minutes from the Woodlawn needlework show! It was an added bonus to an already terrific day.

And if that's not enough, Elizabeth gave me a collection of her sun prints which I have coveted for years. I LOVE her sunprints! They are gorgeous and I cannot wait to use them...And for her to teach me how to make them...

We may get to see each other again for the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival the first weekend in May. Fingers crossed. We just need our pocketbooks to recover from the bead debt we incurred yesterday...

If you haven't met Elizabeth, give yourself a treat and head over to her blog, Elizabeth Creates, and say hello. And thank you Elizabeth for a great day -- I'll get in trouble with you any day!

See you tomorrow for more adventures...

P.S. Here's the bead store info:

Beads Ltd.
1801 Belle View Blvd., Suite A-1
Alexandria, VA 22307
(703) 768-9499

Hours: Sunday 1:30 - 6:30pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 11-6pm


  1. You lucky ducks! One day that will be me...I want to come east and teach a Soul Doll workshop sometime soon! It would be so much fun to have a chance to visit in person!!!!

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful day together. You are both on my bloglist. It is like witnessing the world taking a 3-dimensional turn...My life is whirling in front of my eyes...


  2. The older I get the more I treasure all my friends. Each and everyone is a blessing... AND what is that lovely thing around your neck...closer look please... Ger

  3. Cool event!! Elizabeth and you together! Now THAT would have been priceless to see. So much energy in one place. This just may be your year for meet ups, huh!! AND you got to see a zipper cuff up close. And gifted sun prints.

    This event is just one of the things that makes life so crazy and wonderful. And lucky you have another one just around the corner.

    Be safe, be well and have a great day.
    xx, Carol

  4. peggi6:53 AM

    Love the sun prints and would be interested in learning how to make them. Hope you learn soon and can share the info on your blog.

  5. FUN! It sounds like you had a great time! And I LOVE the color in this post. So bright and cheery and .... FUN!


  6. It truely was one of the BEST DAYS EVER!!!!! What a fabulous time we had- we really could have talked for hours- we found that we dhad so very much in common- not just art!! It is truely amazing how we find those people in this huge and often overwhelming world, that travel similar paths and hold the same things valuable- Synchronicity, Good Karma, I a m not sure exactly what it is but it is wonderfully powerful and precious!!! I think that the Sheep Show will be a GO- we can trade purses so we have to ask each other if we really NEED what we want to purchase!!!!! :)

  7. Oh My GOSH! Elizabeth rocks - that cuff is right up my alley!! And that scarf....are you kidding me? She made it right before your date??! Unbelievable!

    So happy you introduced us to Elizabeth - I immediately jumped over and became a stalker, uh, follower. Now I'm off to to her blog to drool......

    Hugs my friend!

  8. What a wonderful fun day you both had. The beaded cuffs are a real treat. I agree with Gerry, could we see that necklace you were wearing?

  9. What a lovely and exiting day you had:))It must be very interesting to meet your blogging friend in person:)

  10. What a fantastic day! so wonderful when blogfriends become real friends!

  11. How lovely to meet up with your BNF!
    As for the's more like 'Beads Unlimited!
    I could certainly spend tim, not sure about the money though! I' have to buy the shop!

    Thanks for sharing.
    Loved the scarf by the way.

    Sandie xx

  12. Such joy to meet a friend you have connected with and feel as if you have known fovever. Love the bead shop wish it was closer. The visual of seeing is definitely harder on the purse. But what fun!

  13. What a glorious day! I am so happy for both of you... ;-)

  14. How very fun! That sounds like one dangerous shope! LOL

  15. Susan - this is such a beautiful post -
    The photo of you and your friend is beautiful! And I love the shop photos also - so much to see - love all the colors. This was seriously fun!

    I love your new blog header too - it is beautiful!

    Hey - are you going to the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival? I am - would be wonderful to meet you there - sometimes we shop in Ellicott City~~



It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!