
Monday, March 21, 2011

I get by with a little help from my friends...

My Crazy-beautiful friends came over this past weekend. We intended to make a surprise for the other Adventurers who will be attending the Adventure in Crazy Quilting in Connecticut on April 7.

Well...we had a great plan but I completely underestimated the time needed to complete our task. Enter Plan B. In the meantime, they spent three hours of their lives helping me get my motifs started for the Motif Swap we are holding as part of the event.

I have to make 34...and because of all of those beautiful friends, they have already cut out all of the petals, sepals and centers for these Black-eyed Susans. Now I just need to sew them all together and do the final touches.

If I do three a day, I should be able to make it...

But only thanks to my crazy-beautiful friends. You'll get to meet them over the course of the next few weeks since we're driving up to the Adventure together.

Happy Monday everyone!


  1. How totally fun and beautiful too!

  2. Oooo... pretty! I'm making flowers, too... but mine are beaded!

  3. Goody I will put it on my hat!!! Ger

  4. What fun stuff. Can't wait to see the final results. Lise P.S. so wanted to go to this class but it's toooooo far. Lise

  5. Black Eyed Susans! How cool! So appropriate.
    xx, Carol

  6. Oh those are so cute! For all of us who are flower-starved as spring finally arrives, these are absolutely DA BOMB! Gerry is going to wear a hat?!? Then I will bring one of mine, too! Let’s do hats! Hugs, Cathy

  7. just what i needed, a crazy beautiful friend moment. thank you susan!

  8. Friends are the very best. Happy flowering...

  9. I play that game too! If I iron 1 shirt a day...if I clean 1 room a day...making 3 flowers a day seems so much more fun. Looking forward to seeing all the fun things you girls will do!

  10. I love your Black Eyed Susans! Very creative.


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Have a wonder-filled life!