
Friday, February 11, 2011


There's a painter named Robert Genn who sends out a Twice-Weekly Letter to artists all over the world. And it's free!

Though most of the subscribers are painters, I find his writings very thought provoking and insightful.

Here's an excerpt of today's letter titled The Peekaboo Principle:
I'm sitting on a bench eating coconut ice cream while keeping abreast of brain science on my iPad. V.S. Ramachandran is a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, San Diego. Looking into various brains, including the brains of people who look at art, he's come to the conclusion that things are better when they are less visible. He calls it "The Peekaboo Principle." In his research, it seems that girls in scanty clothing are more appealing to the average straight male than girls in the buff. To be fair, these findings have been challenged by every frat house west of the Pecos.
According to Ramachandran, concealment works because we are hardwired to solve puzzles. People get turned on by problem solving.



  1. I can certainly relate to the problem solving of the reasons I love doing RRs.. Getting a block - not my colors- not my design- makes me stretch. Not exactly peekaboo but I do love a problem of any kind... Gerry K.

  2. Well, I'm not sure its about problem/puzzle solving. I think its more about seeing a peek and wanting more, and if you can't have it, it just makes it more valuable, desired, coveted.

    Like your peekaboo. What the heck! I like whats going on with that chain. And who are those picture of? See how my curiosity is piqued? For me its not about solving its about being nosey! ~lol~
    xx, Carol

  3. Edward VII and George VI, aren't they? It looks like an interpretation in stitch of a sash of one of the British orders of chivalry!

  4. I'd say it must be true, because I'm dying to see more of your piece!

  5. I think George V and his son George V1. Could it be a sash that Queen Mary wore?

  6. So what your saying is it's all about the subtle detail. Great insight. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Well I put the theory to the test, my husband. "Men would rather see scantly clad, naked takes away the mystery. We'd rather determine what's underneath ourselves, why destroy the illusion?" My conclusion? Men are Pigs!
    But anyway, I love your blocks, will you show them finished? I'm not a man, and don't want it left to my imagination. I want the real thing!

  8. Peek a Boo, I see....Someone Regal!!!

  9. Ooooo the excitement is building! The little portraits remind me of those in the Fabergé eggs.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!