
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tucking Summer Away

Yesterday, we were at the beach enjoying our last few hours of Summer before school started today.

To counter the negative feelings of impending school doom, one of my nieces took a quiet moment to center herself in preparation for Eighth grade.

And likewise, the Littlest had her own quiet moment to center herself in preparation for Kindergarten.

And so today, it was time for me to tuck away my Summer project...the rainbow shawl I've been working on for two years.

I only have one stripe and the edging to complete but I just cannot work on it anymore this year.

I like to work on Summer projects in the Summer and Winter projects in the Winter. And it doesn't bother me in the least to have a project take a long time...

So I'm tucking it away until next Summer. Along with a special little surprise for my future self.

I slipped an inspirational Summer quote and these three painted shells into the box alongside the shawl. Next year, when I get my Summer project out, I'll have a little memory waiting for me.

I bought the shells from Izzy while we were riding bikes on the boardwalk.

Izzy is four years old and she had quite the seaside seashell-selling operation underway (bet you can't say that ten times fast). I got all three painted ones for $1!

After putting away my Summer project, I got out my Winter one. A ripple afghan for Jack's bed for the Winter.

And so, the colors of Summer are replaced with the colors of and gold.

And, even though he's 14...

He was still a good sport to let me take his "First Day of School" pictures this morning.

Bye bye Summer. Hello High School.


  1. I remember the First Day of School - before and after picks from 2 years ago. My goodness, Jack has grow from a boy to a young man in those two short years.

    Have a great school year, Jack.

  2. What a great way to take the family's mind off going back to school. These photos are amazing you are a very good photographer.

    Have to mention Izzy she will go a long way such an enterprising little girl for her age.

  3. No hat? Boy, that geometry book sure brought back some memories. Like your shawl attitude! I've got a UFO quilt that's almost 10 years old.......... Hope Jack has a good year and your cute nieces also!

  4. Remember that back to school feeling.. But you had a glorious sunny day for the last outing before school!

  5. Michigan colors! Maize and Blue. School started here in Ann Arbor, the school buses rumbled by, my husband rushed out of the house to lecture his first class at the university, and most importantly, we had our first football game this past Saturday. That's when you really know school is underway in this town.

    Good luck to Jack and all your nieces. I hope they all have a wonderful year!

  6. I LOVE Izzy's Entrepreneural Enterprise!! And only four. Cheap finds, add the personal touch, give a cute little grin and make a sale!! Smart Chick.

    Summer has been over here for more than a week. Corey's first Geometry test is tomorrow. Yay, they are back in the groove.

    You surely captured the moment in your neices pics.

    Great adios summer post.

  7. How cute is Izzy? So nice that you supported a local business!

    Love the pics of the girls meditating as well as those of Jack on his first day! Good luck to him through his year of school.

  8. Love your photos and am amazed by your discipline! I don't think I could put away a piece so close to being finished!

  9. Oh the littlest one is definately an Aunt Susan girl!!! Love all of your shots- you are one with your new camera!!!!!
    I long for the beach and love being there in the Fall- wish that it was not so far to get to it!!!
    So High School already- big day for all of you!! He is so handsome in his tie and so kind to his Momma!!! Well done Jack!!!

  10. Happy first day of High School to you and your family! That's a big milestone. Cute pictures as always.

    I saw this quote this morning and thought of you:

    "Acquire new knowledge whilst thinking over the old, and you may become a teacher of others."

    Uh, yep. That would be you... As always, thank you for the inspiration along the journey! It's very much appreciated.

    Sheila :)

  11. Oh what a lovely day - I adore the way you photograph your kids and I LOVE the quote tucked in the seasonal project. What a fabulous idea -do you mind if I steal it?

  12. Steal away, Mary-Frances. I'm honored.

  13. Steal away, Mary-Frances. I'm honored.

  14. What a sweet post. I like your summer and winter projects idea, and the idea of leaving gifts for your future self.


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Have a wonder-filled life!