
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Celebrating Sunflowers

We read in the paper that there were fields and fields of sunflowers...300 acres of them...planted in Harford County and that they were in bloom.

We decided to throw our bikes on the car and travel the hour or so North in order to ride amongst them.

I was way excited and couldn't wait to go. And I wanted to celebrate our trip in a special way.

Celebrate the sunflowers, celebrate our bikes, celebrate my friends...

So I made those little fabric sunflowers and sewed a snap onto the backs of them so they could be removed to wash the hats.

I snapped the flowers onto the visors.

One for each of us.

That way, we would have something to wear on our heads, something to cover up our sweaty, flattened, helmet-head of hair after biking...

A much prettier option...

The sunflowers were intoxicating. And we started out quite tame, demure and lady-like...

But before we knew it, we were completely under their spell...soaking up sunshine and the acres and acres of beauty.

And then the Instigate-trix...the Provacateur pictured above...

She gets an idea a la Calendar Girls. (And she hasn't ever even seen the Calendar Girls movie...)

She thinks it would be fun to pull down our bra straps and use the sunflowers to cover ourselves.
And take pictures so that we appear as if we're naked, in the buff, unclothed, au naturel...

And the giggles began...

But one of us was a bit slow to disrobe...a bit modest and it was taking her awhile to get up the nerve to pull down her bra straps. (Yes, there is a sane one among us, PTL)

And being the good friends that we are, we're goading her and egging her on to take down her bra straps...

"Come on, it will make the picture sooo much better. Take them off!"

Being so focused on the task of defrocking our friend, we hadn't noticed that a group of people had come down the hill and were walking up behind us. Ms. Modest saw them but failed to give warning...she was paralyzed with gut-busting laughter...

And then we turned and saw them too.

And just like the garden of Eden...

We hid.

And laughed so hard we were driven to incontinence.

And it's a good thing those people came along when they did. God only knows what might have happened next.

To say we enjoyed those sunflowers is an understatement.

The day was the perfect mix of simple, silly pleasures...great weather...glorious flowers...good girlfriends...

And I'd like to think there was some magic sewn into our hats.

I hope you're smiling.

And if you're not, rent the Calendar Girls movie and have a laugh.

And remember me and my friends.

Who knows, we may end up on a calendar one day.

Hmmm...that gives me an idea...


  1. I was thinking "calendar girls" all the way through this post - what fun! And if you made a calendar I'd definitely buy it! LOL

  2. With this post, I think I figured out why I "get" you.

    I had a best friend, gone from this earth now. She was the only person I ever knew that would bake pies from scratch while she cleaned out the cubbards.

    You have that same love of life. Evidence in the Joy in making sunflower visors in preparation of a fun filled day with your friends.

  3. You have the most amazing adventures!

  4. The photo of you with the sunflowers "in place" is now on the wall by my computer....too funny for words... Hugs Gerry K.

  5. Love it! Love it! Love it!! You are so much fun! I wish I lived closer!! I'd buy the calendar too...

  6. The sun flower on the hat, what a good idea!
    And yes, I'm laughing in front of my computer while reading your adventures! Thanks for the laugh.
    PS, if you make a calendar, be sure to sell it online, for your friends abroad to buy it...

  7. Your posts always make me smile, and I think there is magic in every stitch you make.

    What a glorious day out for you and your girlfriends.

    Fab pics, too

  8. You are too much!! All the time as I was reading I was thinking of those bees a buzzin'...... Your photos are delightful and I hope that you packed a change of shorts????? too much fun- inpsires me to dust off my bike- way overdue!!!!
    What a lucky gal to ahve such a wonderful group of friends!!!!

  9. Oh Yeah, I would definately buy one of your calendars!!!!! Love Gerry's IDEA
    Now see what you have started......

  10. You have given me a good laugh this morning and a lot of sunshine on the grey and wet day. Thanks !
    Love your new header too :)

  11. Laurie7:24 AM

    I want to celebrate sunflowers with you and your crazy friends! Thanks for bringing me sunshine today!

  12. Anonymous8:10 AM

    What a great circle of friends you have - your girly day out certainly brightened my day too.

  13. That's a great adventure, I am definitely smiling ! :o)

  14. As I'm reading this post and laughing, my husband comes in to see what is going on. Does he notice the flowers, the beautiful women, the laughter? NO! He says, go back to that shirt, the one that ways 3 ft, now that's a great idea. Did I mention that he's an engineer????

  15. Such a wonderful post to see first thing in the morning!! This will totally brighten my day... what a simply grand adventure... the smiles say it all.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Great post! Amazing photo's what kind of camera is it? The movie is great everyone should see it. Ladies version of "The Full Monty".

  18. Beautiful!
    And YOUR SHIRT HAS WHEELS ON IT!!! I love that!

  19. Your joy is infectious! Loved the little sewn sunflowers when I first saw them, but as always, your use of them brings them up to a truly fabulous level! Thanks for the lift!

  20. I can stand it no longer! I want to be adopted by you and your impossibly photogenic family and friends. You make real magic with a camera - fully conveying your joy and zest for life. Thank you for sharing so generously with us. Like Debbie, I would love to know what kind of camera you use to make such beautiful pictures.

  21. Wonderful memories created! I really enjoyed this post!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  22. I follow many blogs, but yours has become my very favorite!! Such beautiful pictures and fun adventures. Beautiful family too!
    Thanks for giving me a lift every day, to face the world.


  23. What a very fun day! You made a lot of folks smile! :)

  24. I think you could give Calendar Girls run for their money!:))

  25. You certainly gave me a giggle! Sounds like you all had a wonderful time! There's nothing like spending time with a bunch of your best-ies!!!

  26. What a delightfully fun post! I’m smiling from ear to ear wishing (like all the other commenters) that we’d been there with you, that you’d make a calendar, and that you never stop posting your fun adventures and beautiful pictures!! Hugs, Cathy


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!