
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lemonade and the Festive Freak Show

My brother Mark believes in stopping at every lemonade stand even if it means he has to take a boat to get there.

So, when he spotted these kids selling lemonade across the canal, he gathered all the kids together and put them on the boat...

And we set sail for the one minute trip across the canal to get some refreshments.

At first, the sellers just watched as we headed out to sea...until they realized we weren't heading out to sea...we were coming over to buy lemonade from them.

Check out the two little boys sitting on the bench to the left of the picture...

It turns out they weren't part of the lemonade stand operation at all...they were opportunists...interlopers, if you will, who had set up their own candy selling operation in the same vicinity as the lemonade stand -- understanding the importance of location, location, location.

When we disembarked on the East side of the canal, good old American capitalism was at work.

There were happy buyers...

And happy sellers...

And even though there was a frenzy of buying and selling, you could pick out our gang quite easily...

They were the ones dressed in their over-the-top SpiRitWear. (Though they loved that guy's tattoos and they're thinking that Fourth of July tattoos for next year isn't a bad idea...)

Jack said that wherever they went that day, they got a lot of attention with people staring at them and commenting on their outfits. So he named the group "The Festive Freak Show".

Maybe it was the Festive Freak Show that scared this little girl inside the lemonade stand...

She never came out of her box the whole time we were there.

My little niece noticed her, bent over and asked, "What are you doing in there?"

There was no answer. The little girl just retreated further and didn't say a word.

But she did peek her head back out again to check out my niece as she walked away...

I suppose a Festive Freak Show coming off of a boat, buying lemonade and candy, isn't something you see every day.

But it didn't matter. The lemonade stand made money. The Festive Freaks got candy and drinks before dinner.

And thanks to my brother Mark...we made new friends on the other side of the canal.


  1. If the tatoo guy would had a little red on you all could have assimilated him right into your boat...

    My favorite is the niece with the hat.... Is she selling her hat now and what's her bottom price....?

    You are sooo lucky...You have the kind of family those of us who with disfuncional families dream about... Love them all...

    Hugs Ger

  2. I just love going on vacation with you and your family Susan! So much fun. While I truly enjoyed seeing all the children in the festive garmentry, I could have gone all day without seeing that man's inked body. LOL! Can't wait to see what we are doing tomorrow.

  3. I too love your family. You all seem to have so much fun.
    Hum, the guy with the tattoo, nice eye candy too...

  4. Now that is the American way to celebrate a holiday and enjoy some fun!!!

  5. Another fun adventure, Susan. Thanks for the great photos so we could have it too!

  6. Can I come next year?

  7. I agree going on vacation with your extended family is a treat!
    I wish my three could get along as well as your nieces.
    it's so nice to see a family playing together, cooperating and having fun.

  8. Yep, we all love your family. They are so full of fun. The kids are so great to not only go along with the plan, but to plot their own for next year.

    What did the sign on the big jar of the candy venders say? It was something about donations go to...where. Was it a good cause or their own chocolate candy bar fund ~lol~

    My crew is headed for home now. Camped out 80ft from the shore at Cocoa Beach. The boys had a great time, but Laurie is never going on a Camp Because We Can't Afford A Motel Vacation again!

    I gave the boys each $100 spending money and Laurie $50 hide until you are broke money and they all got strict instructions not to bring souveniers...just a rock for the pond. ~ ~ I was told they got me dead jellyfish. ~lol~ do you think they will smell?

  9. What a fabulous time your family has had! Love the creativity involved in every endeavor!

  10. Your brother Mark, made the day of those lemonade sellers. I bet they were out there the next day, hoping Mark would bring his gang and buy some more. I love the 3 butt photo.

  11. What a blast!
    My favorite picture is of the future business magnate, the blond boy, toward the end of the post. How satisfied he looked.

    Just a great photo essay and a wonderful summer memory for all of us to share.....thanks so much.

  12. Amazing! Fabulous! this is my most favorite 4th of July post ever - really! Pictures are incredible and those kids in those home made outfits are just precious! This is a fabulous post!



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