
Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Yesterday, Jack and I went fishing with our beach neighbors.

Their daughter Angela is a year behind Jack and they're good friends.

It's so nice to see them again after the long winter. It means that Summer has really started.

Angela and her Dad have gone fishing together since Angela was a baby.

She's a pro at baiting the hook and finding the right magic to attract the right fish.

She does however still get grossed out when she impales a minnow through its eyeball.

But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

It wasn't long before Angie's rod landed a big one.

It was a flounder. It's a flat fish that skims the bottom of the bay and has both of its eyeballs on the top of its head. It's the kind of fish that is endearing in a goofy kind of way and is great for eating.

In order to keep a flounder in the State of Maryland, it has to be 19 inches. That's pretty big for a flounder so it's not very often that you catch one that big.

This one was exactly 19" so Angie wins the top award for the day.

Jack caught one too but his was way too small to keep.

He didn't care. He was just happy to be on a boat and catching fish.

Jack and I have been away for a few days to give him a change of locale for his broken leg. Next doc appointment is tomorrow...fingers crossed.

A big thank you to all of you who commented about my painterly shirt. I love Gerry's idea of attaching ribbons and riding my bike or dancing in the wind...

Just a warning. This week is July 4th week which is big celebration in my family. There'll be lots of family shenanigans here so my stitching will be floundering a bit.

Until next time. xoxo


  1. Wonderful!! A day in the glorious SUN!! I have been wondering if there still IS a sun! Oh, yes, looking out the window today, there is a sun still high in the sky. No clouds in sight for a while, no raindrops falling on my head, or the weeds that are laughing at me while they grow higher than the the rain.

    Those fish are just ..ugly. I never saw one before. Flounder brings to mind an old Rocky and Bullwinkle commerical. Something was said like "Seafood for some Flounder". I guess I knew that was a fish ~lol~.

    Glad you're having a great time.
    xx, Carol

  2. What a wonderful post. Beautiful pictures and a beautiful family - and you brought back some wonderful memories for me of fishing with my dad in the early hours of the morning on Lake Winnepesaukee in New Hampshire. Congrats to your daughter !!!!

  3. What a great summer memory you have created here. Fun times fishing with Dad.

  4. What a fun time! How nice that Jack got a chance to have some fun - not letting the whole leg thing bring him down! Good luck at the Dr's and have a great and safe holiday weekend!

  5. Enjoy your holiday weekend!

  6. A red hat? Looks like a fun time. Enjoy the beach and the Fourth. We're headed to "your" gallery and then points north......

  7. looks like you guys had a fabulous time fishing...and congrats on the 19incer! wooohooo!
    lovely photos, as always! thanks for sharing a bit of summer with us! :)

  8. A really amazing thing about flounder (and other flat fish) is they swim upright as babies and young fish with eyes on both sides of their heads like other fish. As they grow up the eyes move to one side of the head so they can see while lying on their sides on the bottom of the sea. They are disguised there so they can jump at unsuspecting prey.


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Have a wonder-filled life!