
Friday, May 28, 2010

I wish I could go...

Kirsten is creating in overdrive for her opening June 17. And I was hoping by sharing this that some of my Northwest North American BNFs could go?? Go to her very inspirational blog to see more of her work and what washes up on the beach to inspire her.

I love how she uses a combination of machine and hand embroidery.

I love how she builds up her backgrounds...And I love how she interprets low tide...

Jack graduates from eighth grade today and goes for a CT scan of his foot. Thank you all for your good wishes an sympathy for both him and me! I haven't had much e-time the last few days so I'll chat and visit you all soon. And let's all pray that the Top Hat in the Gulf is working...

[Note: All photos used in this post are copyright by Kirsten Chursinoff and are used with her permission.]


  1. Yes...
    I wish I could go too...
    A bit far from home. I really love what she does too.

  2. Funny thing, Susan....we were just talking last night about going to Vancouver! Now we even have a reason. Thank you. Her work looks terrific, and as you know we love anything having to do with beach-life.

  3. Susan,

    So sorry to hear about Jack! Poor, poor fellow! That's miserable any time, but now? Especially so! Glad to see that his hat still accompanies him. Here's hoping he heals fast. Loved your Alice odds and ends. Have jumped in for quick peeks. Always fun to see what you're up to.

  4. Hello Susan, thanks so much for sharing. I'm looking forward to my show and I've had such great support from the creative community.

  5. What beautiful things - both real and created!! I can't get over those starfish - the color is amazing!!

    I bet it's even better in person!

    Good luck to Jack with the CT! Be sure to let us know how he makes out!

  6. The colors of the sea life on the west Coast are so amazing and the interpretation by Kristen is truely stunning!!! THis is yet another case where I wish that Time Travel were possible!!!
    Would love to see her work in person and talk with her aobut her obvious love of the sea.

    All fingers and toes are crossed for the fix in the gulf- this has got to work!!!
    Have a great weekend and I am off to visit Kristen's blog!!!

  7. I've been following Kirsten's beautiful work for a couple of years now... always inspiring! I love her jelly fish! And her grape hyacinths... and the spring blooming trees and especially the 3d fiber nests she creates! Would love to see a showing like this of her work!

    Sending my get well wishes for Jack! He's lucky to have you to take care of him while he heals! Prayers for quick healing!

  8. Hi Susan

    Sorry I have been so slow to tell Jack and you how sorry I am for his accident. I hadnever heard of a growth plate before. Hope the new xrays show all is well.

    Congratulations on his graduation. Sue's Kyle graduates 8th. grade also but next Fri.and we will be there for the ceremony.



  9. Thanks for the great comments about my work and the show. If anyone does plan to come to Vancouver please let me know and I can hook you up with directions to all the local quilt/craft/yarn shops and galleries.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!