
Monday, May 24, 2010

The Alice Aftermath and a Break in the Action

Jack fractured his growth plate by falling off his skateboard the wrong way. At least, until we see the orthopedist...that's what we think happened. Needless to say, my weekend was spent fetching ice packs, food, drinks and study materials while Jack kept his leg propped up on the couch. We got the x-ray results late Friday which left us waiting until Monday when offices open back up again. And this morning, I am dogging the answering machines of our nation's health care system trying to get a human body to see him soon.

In between my fetching and being put on hold, I am cleaning up all the mess I made from Alice. All those little bits of lovelies...things I tried and rejected...little snips of fabrics and threads...extra stuff I didn't use like mushrooms and moss...

All that remains of Alice after shipping her off...

We all have project flotsam and jetsam when the creative fury has died down and blown away. And I've always wanted to try using it all up somehow. That's what I'm working on now. A little project that uses up leftovers...

Something that doesn't take a lot of thought or precision...

And what's striking to me, after I begin to put all the little bits back together again, the vision of Alice returns...albeit a re-invented version.

I'll show you more next time.


  1. Oh no! I hope you have a full and speedy recovery Jack (and Mum, I wish Jack a speedy recovery for your sake too!)

    I notice that you have just finished reading 'The Mists of Avalon'. I read that a few years ago and loved it but the details are a little lost in the mists of my memory now :-)

  2. It will be lovely to see Re-invented Alice - a great idea!

  3. So sorry to hear about Jack...thinking of you all and wishing him a speedy mend.

    How could you bear to send Alice off? I'm glad you're doing a "remembrance piece" and can't wait to see it!

  4. Corey had to have little screw thingies put between his growth plate and soft tissue in both feet to keep him from having knee problems later. The kid just grows too fast. Then they tell them to curb activies for 2 months. Tall order.

    Hope this all works out well for him.

    I'll be interested to see what you are doing with this new piece.

  5. Sending get well wishes to Jack! No fun to be laid up with a broken leg at the start of summer. Can't wait to see where all the leftover Alice bits end up!

  6. I add my wishes to a speedy recovery for Jack.

    Your re-invented Alice can't help but be charming. I look forward to see it finished.

  7. So sorry to hear about Jack! My Daughter broke the growth plate in her foot a couple of years ago just dancing across the floor, so I can empathize with you and him!

    I would have found it nearly impossible to send off the Alice block if it had been mine, but at least you have some flotsam and jetsom left over...what fun repurposing it into a new project!

  8. Sorry to hear about Jack - hopefully he'll be quick to mend!

    I love your new header, but must confess I am missing Alice! Can't wait to see what you did with the left overs!

  9. Hope Jack is better soon -- I know how frustrating it is to have a broken foot!

    Aren't leftovers great? Sometimes I have more fun with the little bits and pieces left over than I had with the main project.

  10. Yikes! I've never even know a growth plate existed....oh boy. I hope it heals quickly.

    What's a tea party without leftovers right? lol

  11. By now I certainly hope that you have found someone to see Jack!! Poor Guy, Poor MUM!!!!!
    I have a feeling that your Alice Bits piece will be just as wonderful as the original!!!
    Hugs and Healing wishes!!!

  12. I hope Jack is ok and doesn't have to wear a cast in the summertime...

    Love your freewheeling flotsam and jetsam piece. It will lead to new discoveries perhaps, but for sure is giving you a chance to just play and wind down....until your next adventure!

  13. jack jack jack...the moral of the story is "you will shoot your eye out."

    good start for an un-wind piece, you deserve it after birthing Alice!!

  14. Oh, Susan. Speedy healing for Jack. Please remind him: he only has one chance to heal, so please, do it right.

    I have a fond memory of visiting Hershey. My sister was going to Smith College, and our family drove from KY to MA to send her off. My dad scouted out the trip to include the visit to Hershey, PA. He was a very smart man. My memory includes a wonderful Sundae with Hershey Chocolate topping... it was the best sundae I have ever had. Great memories. I know your son will have his memory, too.

  15. I admit to letting project clean-up slide to the bottom of my list and stay there, until compounded messes get to the point where I can't find ANYTHING. Clean-up and reorganizing at that point can take days... Once achieved, I vow not to do it again... Ha... LOL...Right now the entire mess from 5 BJPs is cluttering my studio space... Would you say it's time? Maybe you'll inspire me... I hope!

    Robin A.


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Have a wonder-filled life!