
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Three Tables and a Chair

Well, I changed my mind about stitching the lace...I found a few laces that would work as table toppers and I decided to use those.

And I found a 1/4" thick doll house moulding that I used to cut into three smaller pieces to make the table tops...

Covered them with their linens...and voila!

I was trying to make the chair very simple since that is where the Mad Hatter is going to sit. I'm just not sure whether I like it or not but I'm hoping that won't matter in the long run...

Now that I'm looking at the overall block...I need to darken and deepen the area around the table with the Mushroom Forest...and I may have to add some hanging moss from the top of the block...

That will be next before I embroider the tea party. Now I'm off to figure out the mushrooms, the curly ferns and the hanging moss. See you next time!


  1. Too Cool! The lace worked perfect that is for sure, but that chair!! Most Magnificent!! Perfect for MH. Those niblet beads are just the perfect touch.

    O, perfection!
    Have a very fern and mushroomy kind of day.
    XX, Carol

  2. Love the chair, and the different laces create just the right amount of difference between the tables.

  3. This is looking so wonderful! I love the 3-D tables, and the creeping woods are perfect.

  4. You just keep outdoing yourself!! Each peek, I keep thinking, what could she possibly do any better - then viola! You do it!

  5. Great job on the tables! I love the chair too. Can't wait to see the Hatter!

  6. Marvelous job again Susan, you have it in you to turn the pictures in your mind to something real! It is so much fun to see this CQ grow, even more now that I have seen Alice. Can't wait for the party to begin (or am I late... did it already start?)
    Am working on my own Alice piece as I felt like falling down the rabbit hole last week...
    Good luck and enjoy Tea.

  7. perfect!!!

  8. Anonymous4:00 PM

    The tables look fantastic Susan - so pleased you managed to find the right lace for the job - it certainly adds that extra dimension. Loving the curly woods too.

    Enjoy your mushrooms and ferns.
    Hugs Shell x

  9. Fabulous! Love watching this piece come to fruition. Watch out for those mushrooms -they can sneak up on a girl! ;-)

  10. Susan that chair is absolutely perfect. Do not change a thing. Can't wait to see the MH sitting there. You are too much.

    It is a toss between you and Shirley Fassel (Maureen's friend) hat I want to be in my next life.



  11. The tables and lace are so awesome, Susan...!
    I have a question...are you going to have any table lets showing, by any chance below the table clothes? I just want to read TABLES at first glance when I look at the block...the curved line the tables follow and the blue background made me flash "clothesline" for a split second. Of course, with all the tea party extravagance on top that will take care of it...but a few little table leg ends to fool the eye and "hold the tables to the ground" might be good?

    I hope you will pardon my presumptuousness!

  12. I am delighted with your ideas! 3-D tables are so unusual and creative!

  13. I LOVE the tables and lace! I love the beady chair! I love the feel of the block! I love that you have an extra 12 days. And, I love following you into Wonderland!!!!!!! Love, Robin A.

  14. ooh, ooh...I love it! I hope you don't change the's perfect!

  15. BTW...crochet moss might be just the ticket. cant wait to see if it worked.

  16. you're making a very real adult wonderland, it's so delightful, especially the chair. you are an inspiration. K.

  17. The tables are adorable and I love the colors!! THe lace covers are perfect!!!!I love the chair and it ties in so very well with the swirly woods up top. Moss will be fabulous and I can't wiat to see how you made the amazing mushrooms. I can see DMC not letting you go after this is done!!!!!
    You are DA BOMB!!!!!!!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!