
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowzilla -- Round 2

OK. I guess since we survived the first 3' feet of snow this week, we get to move on to the bonus round and receive another 2' or so today!

Here's what our street looked like this morning after only about another 6" overnight...

I did finish my latest bead journal piece but I can't have a photoshoot until after the snow stops. They're calling for whiteout conditions around Noon today so I went out earlier today and made this video...

Here's a picture of the side of the house where I was trying to walk..

I tried taking a few pictures with my good camera, using my umbrella to protect from the blowing snow...

I learned that people photograph really well against the backdrop of white snow -- as long as it's overcast...

This is Snowblower Bill and his son Tim.

And this is my next door neighbor, Bill.

They were the only people I could find. Everyone else is hunkered down inside.

And here are my very favorite pink snow boots, hiking boots and/or gardening boots...

I love them. In fact, I love them so much that I've included them in my latest bead journal.

Just a sneak peek. Hopefully, if Mother Nature cooperates, I'll be able to share my bead journal post with you tomorrow. That's assuming the power stays on...


  1. We had about 5 more inches this morning. It's a lot for Virginia but no where near what you are getting! Stay warm!

  2. I was thinking of you this AM when I saw that you were getting pounded again. Well at least you will have something to talk about for years. When your grandkids come along, you'll be talking about Snowzilla 2010 and they won't have a clue. So you'll get pics out. They will search the internet, or whatever they have in the future, to find more information. Believe, me, I speak from experience!!

    Thanks for treading all that snow to show us your bird house and porch.

    xx, Carol

  3. Get yourself back inside and warm up lady! :0) What great pictures of the guys working... you should make sure they get copies. Hope the power stays on and you have plenty of food!

  4. Beautiful photos, Susan!
    I feel very tired seeing the video i was wanting to help and pull you lol!
    Snow is beautifull but too much could bring troubles, I believe.
    By here it's too cold and rainy - nothing so beautiful...

  5. Thanks so much for checking in with us this morning with this post. It sounds quite arduous at this point. Enough already!!
    Hope your power stays on and that you are enjoying this snuggle time at home together....

  6. Wonderful boots :-)
    I'm quite impressed by the height of the snow. Hope you still have power, and that you are all warm and safe.

  7. Wow! The pictures are great and the video was amazing! Impressive snow totals out there. I loved the pink boots in your bead journal - your blog is a blast (to use the vernacular of the '60s)!

  8. Susan, where I come from we get snow like this ALL the time! AND if it"s not snowing we are freezing our buns off...Debbie (Maine)

  9. LOVE the pink boots! Wow! Looks like you are getting snow like we had in late January! We had 5 to 6 feet of snow over 4 days and still have 3 feet or so on the ground. Stay safe and warm and no slipping on the ice like I did this week!

  10. You are tooooo much Susan. I can't wait to meet you! We got zero snow out of that storm you got a couple of days ago but we're getting hit really good today. I love it except it takes two of us to put boots on our chihauhau, Gracie! She "will not" step foot in the snow without them. Her boots are pink and black.

  11. Stay warm, Susan. Too bad you can't reroute the snow to BC where they're worried about the Olympics having enough of the fluffy white stuff. I am anxious to see your whole project.....looks like you painted the notes? I laughed that you noticed our moss; it's everywhere. In fact if you stand in one place too long, it'll grow on you!

  12. Can't wait to see the rest of your bjp - is this the last one from last year or this month for this year?

    It seems most of us have a blizzard story. Mine is the Blizzard of '78 when I was in college in Boston. Classes were canceled, which is unheard of even now, and the snow was so high you couldn't even tell where the parking lot was. Lots of fun for a college student.


  13. Susan, if you have any available housing in your neighborhood, I want to move in - I LOVE your neighbors, my golly, what a great crew of helpfulness and happy faces you have over there!

    And if I do move to yer *hood*, can I borrow them gorgeous pink boots, too, puh-leez?!?!?!?

    Stay safe & warm!

  14. Wow, that is a serious amount of snow. We had a 'blizzard' here yesterday. It lasted 30 mins and deposited half and inch of snow on us. Now I know that is very unimpressive compared to your snowzilla, but let me tell you that was a sight to see here in Oxford. Thirty minutes later the sun was out and the snow was melting :-)
    Hope you are safe and warm. What does whiteout conditions involve?

  15. Ah...this looks like the winter we had last year! We've been lucky so far this winter!
    Love your boots!! :)
    Stop by my blog sometime you get a moment...
    take care

  16. Nice to hear you :). Have fun playing in all that snow!

  17. Are you just SOOOO over this? It's killer in the city because there's no place to park or put the snow. I put a video of the storm on my blog, too. Snomageddon!

  18. Hi Susan, so nice to hear your voice and hear the "crack" in the snow. ( that sounds familiar to me LOL)

  19. Gosh that is a lot of snow! Here in Toronto we've hardly had any snow at all this winter and I haven't missed it....
    I too have pink boots. They always make me smile.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!