
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Inspired by the Moon

As the moon shone over the skies of Paris last night, Giorgio Armani was presenting a celestial Spring Haute Couture Fashion Show...inspired by the moon.

Can you believe it?  With all the discussion we've had about the moon this month, it's fascinating to me to see this artist's interpretation of its many faces.

The backdrop for the runway was a silver crescent against misty clouds and a reflective runway...

So it looks as if you were watching the moon over a deep, dark sky reflected over the sea.

And as the models walked down the reflected light of the runway, their own garments were reflected in the celestial light.

Everything that was selected...from the diaphanous materials of opalescent organza,

To the liquid-night lame

To the clair de lune sequins and crystals...

To the colors that spoke of the shades of night...

To the use of curves and circle shapes within the designs of the clothes themselves.


I love how the crystals are placed on this's not overdone...just enough like clusters of stars in a galaxy...

Every accessory...every button, earring and purse...was perfectly selected to pull the moon down to earth for just one night.

To me, it was an amazing artistic display...a true vision of what it means to be fully inspired in absolutely every way.  To take the moon, and all that is so very beautiful about it...its appearance, its changing luminescence and how the viewer feels and perceives the moon when it so beautifully speaks to us -- and to use all of that as your inspiration for your work.

To view his show, is a great lesson for all artists in how to completely honor your inspiration.

What a translater Giorgio Armani is...for if there is anyone that is fluent in the language of is him.


  1. Thank you sooooo much, Susan, for the link and the beautiful photos!
    I do love Armani...

  2. How lovely, thank you for highlighting this show. I'm not a follower of fashion and am quite often put off by the outrageous outfits which are not at all practical. This however mixes subline design, practicality, and inspiration. Wonderful to see beautifully designed dresses that you could really imagine wearing (well if I was quite a few pounds lighter and didn't have to worry about my bank balance).

  3. Will you please tell me why, with such beauties as these, so many stars choose the most unglamorous hideous creations sometimes!! Makes you wonder, doesn't it.

  4. WOW the reflective runway was an inspiration and I loved the moon jewelry,clasps, and purse. Makes me want to do a moon block....

    by the light of the silvery moon...

    Gerry K.

  5. Utterly breath-taking!
    Funny how you are writing about fashion today and I am writing about beadwork! Come for a visit. I wrote about aboriginal bead work artist Samuel Thomas.

  6. WOWZER, Susan, I am {{{{{{{moonstruck}}}}}} What a glorious fashion show you've shared with us moon lovers, thank you!

    You know, I never would see things like this if it wasn't for your posts. I never go looking for fashion, but when you present it like this, I eat it up like candy!!! And you can't beat the inspirational theme :>]]

  7. THank you Susan for those beautiful photos and the link to you tube, great!

  8. What an extrordinary post! I don't know how you find these pictures, Susan, but I'm so glad you do and that you post them. Personally, I am about as far from the fashion world as an old gal in jeans can get. But when I see the fashion world through your eyes, I gain a true appreciation for the creativity and beauty behind it! Thank you!
    Robin A.

  9. I am a fashion girl and I'll take one of each!

  10. Thank you for bringing Armani's moon into our homes for us!!
    He is a Master, no doubt about it. Sublime.
    I love Prada, too...but for very different reasons.

    I follow haute couture for the pinnacle of excellence, commitment, and imagination it gives in our textile world...esp when it is this beautiful.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!