
Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Day After...

The day after my very wonderful husband Jim turned 50 years old...
The day after my MIL flew in from Texas as a surprise for her son...
The day after Jim had a day off that I arranged with his boss as a surprise...
The day after we saw James Cameron's Avatar in 3-D, and's the day after my computer got sick with a deadly virus and is now being sent to the hospital.

But, on the a more positive note, I finally had the time to sit down and read your comments about Abundance --

Thank you for all of the nice, supportive things that you said. You really know how to make a girl feel good!

And here's the answer to a few of your questions: The hand in the piece is not life size -- the entire piece is 5"x5" -- so the hand is probably half the size of a normal human hand. The background fabric is a batik and I did not stitch with any silk-covered purl threads -- though I would love to get my hands on some to play with...I also shoot my pictures with a Nikon D70s camera and yes, I did get a new macro lens for Christmas...

But let me tell you about my husband's birthday...

My husband Jim didn't want any big party or big trip for his 50th birthday -- just a nice meal at a good restaurant. Check. That was easy.

Jim loves to cook. He especially likes to cook for others and he would love to be a chef one day after he quits his day job. But I couldn't buy him a fancy present either. This year we decided to forego presents for each other because of the economy and I've learned enough to know that he wouldn't be happy if I broke the rule. Even if it was his 50th birthday!

Since I needed a present that didn't cost any money, I contacted all of our friends and family to send me a recipe to put into a Recipes for a Great Life book. It could be any kind of recipe at all...great family favorites or recipes for a good time...

And look what came in...

Dozens and dozens of great ideas. He was very very touched and can't wait to get cooking!  Here are just a few of many many good ones...

And then we went to the movies in the middle of the day to see Avatar. And I couldn't believe how beautiful the plants in the movie about abundance! And all of the plants had a bioluminescence that was visually stunning. I want to see the movie again just to see all of the plants...and James Cameron really did his homework by involving a plant physiologist to create the plant kingdom in his movie. The plants have all been classified and given Latin names. Everything was so green and beautiful and abundant. And the story was all about how we were stripping the resources of an alien planet because we had no more green on our own...just reinforcing the message I was already receiving when i stitched Abundance...amazing...

The movie was absolutely magnificent in it's cinematography. One of the most creative movies I've seen since the Lord of the Rings. And though the 3-D made me a little queasy -- it was phenomenal.

So, my friends, I'm soaking in all of our experiences yesterday, I'm praying for my computer's recovery and I'm beginning to dream of garden hats....

Thanks again for all the Abundance love. Until next time.


  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I've got to say that I think your husband's birthday pressie was better than anything money can buy - Wakey, Wakey, eggs and baky - classic :0) and the drawings too... fantastic.

    I can't wait to see Avatar - especially after your description - so glad you all had a special day and hope your computer problems are sorted soon.

    Shell x

  2. Lucky Jim and Lucky You. I was thinking how many friends and family do we have that would go along with sending their favorite recipe if I asked them. Probably not many of the family because they are all on Terry's side and they really aren't very fun loving creative types.

    You all are a fun bunch of people over there!! I hope he tries the recipes and you get a shot of him at the stove.

    I have heard a lot about Avatar but hadn't given much thought to seeing it. Maybe when it comes to the Dollar Show. The story line is certainly right up my alley! Thanks for the review.

    xx, Carol

  3. Surely an exercise to be done - 'bind' all the recipes into a fun folder for him.

  4. What a great idea for a free gift! Many times that kind of gift are the very best!

  5. Wonderful!

    My most referenced cookbook is one our family put together a number of years ago to commemorate the marriage of a nephew and his bride. My husband designed the cover and and came up with the title, "Kissin Don't Last, But Cookin Do".

  6. Sounds like you found the perfect gift for your hubby with getting him the day off and having his Mom come in. That was really nice. I BET he was surprised.

    My daughter saw Avatar with her family and told me I would really like it. We very rarely go to the movies because we end up in the first 3 rows with Harv in the wheelchair. Then it is so loud and I get a sore neck from looking up. Usually wait for them on HBO or get the DVD. What I really want to see is Young Victoria. Waiting for it to come around then a bunch of us gals are going.

    Hugs to your hubby on his 50th. and many more.

    Hugs to you all.


  7. Such a personal and special present. I agree with Shelly...much better than anything money could buy. I've seen the advertisements for Avatar but got a problem seeing it in German. I don't like "fantasy" movies in German because I never know if I'm not getting the meaning of what they are talking about or if it is a "fantasy" word that is messing me up. I read mostly fantasy and know that the language is key!

  8. Happy belated birthday wishes to Chef Jim! I can see these recipes blown up and posterized on the walls of his new restaurant.

    Robin A.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!