
Friday, January 29, 2010

Abundance Encore!

When I saw the Spring 2010 Haute Couture show by John Paul Gaultier, I was stunned. Evidently, he was inspired by the movie Avatar as well as Montezuma's Mexico --

And even though his show includes lots of other styles of dresses, I was struck in particular by his interpretation of that lush, abundance that is the tropics.

Having just steeped myself in foliage and leaves for my last bjp, I was overjoyed with delight to see another artist's interpretation. And to hear that Avatar inspired him too -- well that was just too many coincidences in one week!

OK. These dresses may not be practical and, even if i had thousand of dollars to spend on them, I may not ever choose to buy them. But, OH, to study them!!! Click to enlarge and pour over all of their details from the fabric manipulation, to the beading, to the headdresses, to the accessories!

The woven ribbon strips of this dress are amazing and the hat with its anthurium bent over the eyebrow is my fave.

And check out the dyeing and the pleating of the silk -- and the use of frond-shapes and fans to asymetrically offset the shoulder and the hip...

And for you bead lovers out there...this number is completely beaded from head to toe! The fringes, the use of beetle shells (they're probably sequins made to look like the use of beetle casings but still!!) -- wonderful!

Oh! And this one! Notice how the leaf fronds are appliqued to the organza skirt...

and the fronds coming off the one shoulder...and the boots...and the leather-woven bodice...I just love this one!

This one has an amazing tunic (click to enlarge) and the cutwork and applique on this one-- swoon--it looks like embroidery from far away but it's not...and the purse!! How cool is that?

All of it is absolutely, wonderfully abundant!!


  1. When I saw that first dress I thought to myself - how can I make a top/ wait no/ a corset that uses that woven Idea- even the yummy off greens. Thanks for the inspiration-- you make it so easy to find- got any more time in the day you could spare????

  2. wow...I'm not usually a fan of designer clothing, but these are awesome and inspiring! thanks for opening my eyes a bit!

  3. I'm breathless!

    And I love the shoes that complete each of these ensembles.

  4. SUACFTE!!!!...which stands for, "standing up and clapping for the encore!!!!"

  5. WOW! Those are AMAZING!!!

  6. Jean Paul Gaultier is one of my all time favourite designers. His work is always original and fresh. I know that he has a collection coming out at Target in March which should be affordable for all!

  7. How utterly fantastic!

    (Did you notice the model's shadow on the last photo?)

  8. That woven dress in the beautiful greens was my favorite. They were all wonderful to look at except for the last one - the white one - didn't do a thing for me.

    You wonder if anyone buys these or they are just to show what he is capable of doing?

    I have last nights runway to watch tomorrow. Amazes me what those kids can whip up in that time and those materials they throw at them. Burlap?



  9. All of them are just great! I wish I could try one one and play. It would make you feel like you lived on a galm version of Pandora wouldn't it?

  10. wow....i really like the weaving of the fabrics too.

  11. OMG!
    these are wonderful!
    it reminds my of watching old Busby Berkly movies and the Ziegfeld follies!
    what fun!

  12. I love the Avatar movie inspiration of these designs...Loved the movie too. Someone shared to look at the shadows and they are wonderful as well. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Love ALL of it. How inspirational!!! One day I hope to have the time to fully develop an artist idea from inception to fruition. For now, I relish the things you share with us, your own art or others. Thanks SO MUCH!

  14. okay...i would TOTALLY wear the second to last one....LOVE it! and the shoes are gorgeous too! :)
    thanks for sharing!

  15. I have to admit, I'm not really into fashion. Not at all..unless tie-dyed Grateful Dead t-shirts are in. And I don't get the whole thing...I've been to Paris and New York and everywhere known for high fashion and I never saw one single person ever wearing anything even close to what these models have one. But you made it interesting and I actually looked at the clothes. Thank you. Although...I doubt I'll look again until the next time you walk me through it!

  16. Oh Yes! Love them all. Wish I could see them in person and touch the stitches and caress the beads and stroke the fabric. drool.

    I finally saw Avatar. After hearing my daughter rave about it, reading your posts about it, my mom and dad recommending it...I just had to go. Oh my--I was speechless. I leaned over to Pete as soon as they were in the jungle and told him 'that's where I want to go on vacation' When I got home Claire says to me "aren't you disappointed in real life now?" Yup.


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Have a wonder-filled life!