
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

First Issue of Needle Magazine

Two posts in one day!! But sorry I just had to tell you this!

I just picked an email from my Blogging Needle Friend (BNF) Betz White who told me about this new online magazine that was released yesterday -- Needle.

It's fabulous! It's produced by the Hand Embroidery Network (HEN) which is an unbelievable community of hand embroiderers with online classes, exhibitions, etc. How did I not know about it?? And they have a blog!

The organization is fresh, active and appeals to all types of hand embroiderers -- you'll see what I mean when you look at the depth and breadth of the magazine. It's interesting, well-written and chock FULL of embroidery information -- both historical and modern. This first issue is really awesome -- great pics and lots and lots of links to other interesting embroiderers and sites.

It's impossible to pick a favorite article...I loved them all. There's even one on the Bead Journal Project! I do wish I lived in the UK though...I would love to go on the Holiday Textile Tours or even attend the exhibition at the Harris Museum and Art Gallery in Lancashire titled Embellished: The Art of Fabulous Fabrics.

I'm still reading and discovering about the HEN but wanted you to know about case you hadn't heard. Of course, you all might have known about it since I've been away...just in case you haven't...ENJOY!!


  1. Thanks for this tip! Looking forward to following the new mag!

  2. Thanks for sharing this...I love your informative and interesting blog! Your work is lovely!
    Stella xxx

  3. Don't apologize, it was well worth a second post! Thanks so much for sharing the link.

  4. Wouldn't mind if you posted SIX times a day :>]] Thanks so much for sharing the links!

  5. Welcome back home! I was going to write and tell you about the magazine, which I found out about through Diane (Salt Studio). But of course you already know. Don't you think your work should be in this magazine - hint, hint!


  6. You could always visit and time your trip to coincide with a stitcing event! Sometimes I wish I still lived in the UK too....!!!

  7. Thanks for the tip. It sounds like something I could definitely benefit from! I hope your secret project is going well.

  8. Is anyone besides me having trouble reading this mag? The type bleeds off the screen and the pdf version type is too small and it isn't compatible with standard paper...only half the pictures and text are on a page...I wrote to them because I loved the concept If someone knows a trick let me know. Gerry K.

  9. Thanks for featuring this magazine. It looks exactly like something I could use.

    Your cruise pictures are so fun and colorful. How could anyone not have fun with Minnie Mouse?

  10. Glad you're back. Thanks for the info on the mag.

  11. Thank you so much for such a lovely posting on NEEDLE!!

    NEEDLE Magazine


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Have a wonder-filled life!