
Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Christmas Hat

Can you believe it?

Our very good friends across the street, The Millers, found this Christmas version of Jack's hat! He hasn't taken it off since they gave it to him.

In fact, Jack's hat is a bone of contention between Jack and my father since my father thinks you should remove your hat when you're inside and, most especially, when you're out at dinner.

Now, we reinforce the rule at a fancy dinner but, if we're just going out for a burger, we let it slide. My father doesn't think we should. He's afraid Jack is going to show up on a date with a girl and not know when to take his hat off.

This is my father and Jack.

My dad is giving Jack a present that Jack loves!

Now watch my father very carefully...he's already starting to chuckle with the thought of what he plans to do...

He makes his move...

And Jack loses his hat! Jack's immediate thought is..."Oh no, Mom's going to get a picture of me without my hat on!"

"Did she?"

Yes, she did. And note my Dad's chuckle...

But order was restored to the universe when Jack re-donned his hat --

And Jack went on to spread his Christmas mojo throughout the land.

And we crowned the Christmas tree...

For 2009, will forever be the Year of the Hat in our house.

If you don't know the history of Jack's hat, you might want to read this post and see this year's Christmas card on this post...


  1. Good catch, Susan! And such a relief to know there's a backup hat! Looks like you had a great celebration......

  2. the jack and the hat stories have been fun!
    oh my gosh I love this Christmas hat too cute, yes he will always have to top his tree in years to come with this hat!

  3. Susan your dad looks like such a nice guy. He would join in very well with our crowd of friends. I am going to post pics of our neighbourhood dinner tonight.

    My Father always wore a suit and hat even to a ball game but I think he would be with your Dad on the hat issue but in the times of today that is the least of Jack's worries. The girls all love his hat so be it. He seems to be such a good kid hat or not.


    Freda B.

  4. I'm in love with your Father.
    He reminds me of MY grandfather.

    Thanks for a smile.. found you thru the TattingChic.

    Happy Holidays.

  5. Susan Elliot! You mean to tell me that you don't know the difference between something Christmassy and something Scottish!!??=)LOL!! (Well, Scottish style anyway, I'm no expert on real tartans!!)

    Lovely to see a youngster get on so well with his Grandpa.=) So many these days have little or no respect for any adult...

  6. Love the photo series, it brought a big smile here in the early morning ;-D

  7. Great pictures! Love the story to go with them!

  8. I love the new hat. My brother and his MIL have the same argument about taking off hats. He ALWAYS is wearing a cap of some kind. SO she got him one for Christmas that says "Yes, I am rude." to really show her opinion of his hat wearing.

  9. Jack looks smashing in his new Christmas hat! He also looks dashing in his old hat! Cute stories! What a nice young man Jack is growing up to be.

  10. It looks like the hat matches his pants!

    I think I must be of the same generation as your dad. The hat thing is a problem for me also. I used to get on Lauries "friends" when they would share dinner with us and leave baseball hats on their heads. My motto is hat on head, no food on plate.

    Out for a burger is ok. Nice restaraunt..hat off.

    Terry and I were in a locally owned pizza place. Several Notre Dame students came in and sat at a round table. I was so impressed because ALL took their hats off and put them under their chair. Quite refreshing for me. One of my biggest complaints is young men that don't know proper ettiquette.

    I am wondering what the Spring Jack Hat story will be.....

  11. That HAD to be the best Christmas gift Jack received this year! LOL

  12. Excellent post!

  13. shivers run up and down my spine....I can SEE the connection between grandpa and grandson. And you captured part of that on film. How awesome is that?!


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