
Sunday, December 13, 2009

In the Limelight

Today I had the phenomenal opportunity to visit one of the most progressive needlework shops in our area-- Bedecked and Beadazzled.

And let me tell you...the name does not disappoint! The entire store was ready for Christmas and I left there fired-up and eager to stitch a million projects!

It's an emporium of threads, embellishments and canvases --

with so many stitched examples that you can't help but get excited. And the finishing...oh my friends...the finishing is a feast for all the senses. Nobody does it better...

And here is the mastermind behind it all...Ruth Schmuff.

Ruth inspires me in so many ways and she is the shop owner and the designer-extraordinaire to many of the designs I'm showing you today.

Ruth has a very unique viewpoint...and it happens to erupt from lime green...

In Ruth's world, lime green is a neutral color -- and I love that about her.

And everything she touches is guaranteed to explode with color, creativity and a carefree spirit. Not only are her designs a delight for the eyes to behold -- they are a party for your needle to stitch!

Her designs are fresh, whimsical, over-the-top, fun, fully-saturated and fabulous!!

If you're visiting the area, her store is a must-see. If you don't have the opportunity to visit...don't worry...she has a great online store...

Her monthly clubs are some of the best I've ever seen...they're small (therefore, accomplish-able) and you receive all the threads and embellishments you'll need to stitch...the packaging alone makes you feel like you receive a present each month.

The other thing I love about Ruth is her mystery classes. These are particularly good for stitchers who are new to painted canvas and needlepoint...the canvas is decided mystery there...and then each week, you stitch one part of the canvas until it's done. This was the latest one called Mellow Yellow. Totally fresh, fun and cute!

Ruth has created an online community just for stitchers called Stitcherie which is full of energy and enthusiasm and Ruth also has a blog which you can find here.

I had a ball today! Thank you, Ruth ~ Merry Christmas ~ And thanks for sharing all of your fabulous work~!


  1. Thanks for the link, Susan. What a great source for lots of colors of purl cotton! And other stuff, of course. I'm going to study her site, but right now we're off to sing!

  2. I'm so happy to learn that Ruth has a store. I'm a lasped canvas worker, but in the day I was an avid needlepointer and I have loved Ruth's designs since I first discovered them at The Stitching Post in Catonsville. Thanks for the info, Susan. I've been wanting to get back to stitching, so maybe this was my sign to get going again. Seeing all the ornaments Ruth has done in the shop was inspirational because I used to make most of the ornaments on our tree every year. Getting them out and hanging them is a real nostalgia trip for me. I remember where we were living and what inspired each one when I made it!
    Thanks, Susan, this was great. Gotta find the shop and visit, hopefully this week!

  3. Thanks for the recommendation. I love the style, the colors and especially the finishing. I will check it out right now! Thanks again

  4. Oh, oh that is the heaven for an embroiderer! Oh I wish I could visit that shop!

  5. Oh Susan Susan are the best for bringing out the best in a store! I want to go live there!

  6. oh...and Santa's beard is way way cool!

  7. WOW. I haven't done needlepoint for so long & I do miss the wools & a needle & crewel painting to "repaint" with wool. That store looks so HAPPY

  8. Good thing I can't shop in that store in person...I'd walk out BROKE!!! Can't resist hopping over to take a peek in the online store, tho, which I will do in just a moment :>]]

    LUVLUVLUV all the COLOR, which is a most perfect antidote to a dark & dreary day here in the Pacific Northwest. Thanks for the *****bright***** post, Susan!

  9. Gosh Susan, her work is just ...Happy! A treat for the eyes and spirit. I haven't embroidered, really, since the 70's. Terry drove truck then and I was a SAHM. I made his shirts and embroidered the yokes. I loved to make Lauries clothes and the embroidery was just perfection. Then the 80's came and I spent a ton of time putting cats etc with waste canvas. Get a spot on your clothes that won't come out...cross stitch it away!! I love the fiber and find that I am heading back in that direction. Thanks for the link to the on line store. Unfortuneatly there aren't many stores around here that have extensive fiber inventory.

    XX, CArol

  10. The fairy angel stocking took my heart. It was gorgeous with that skirt. I did nedlepoint stockings for Harv and I. Mine is a CQ and Harv's is a British Grenadier Guard with the black hat and even a wooden rifle attached.

    Your photography is wonderful and makes you feel as if you are actually in the store. thanks Susan for all the places you bring us to.



    ps - Funny thing is I wasn't even in CQ when I needlepointed the stocking. Just liked the look.

  11. Thanks for your comment...and boy coming over here is such a mood lifter. You photos are gorgeous, love the neat bright rows. What a candy store. Wonder if I could be taught at my advanced years! Merci! Trish

  12. many goodies did you come home with? :) Looks like a fantastic store...and i love all the color!

  13. OH, yum... the colors are fantastic... thanks for brightening my day, Susan!

    PS... I signed up for BJP today. :0)

  14. What an absolute treasure of a shop. Lucky you to live so close by.

  15. O ecstasy! O rapture! Looks like a place I could loose 6 hours and a month's salary (for starters)! Thanks for bringing it to those of us on the outskirts.

  16. Thanks so much for the wonderful post about the shop. I truly enjoyed seeing it through your eyes. What a treat!

  17. It was a wonderful profile of the shop and its owner/designer!
    But my favorite picture was the very first one, with you reflected in the window.... ;-)

  18. Wow - boy would I love to shop there! ;)

  19. I am SO JEALOUS. I can't find a store with anything more than DMC and Anchor! I NEED a store!!! Sure, I can order anything and everything online but if I can't see it how do I know what it is??? Isn't the world an amazing place

  20. Between you and Ruth, there must be something in that Baltimore water that inspires fun-the colorful kind....or is it in the Vaccarro's Pine Nut cookies? I loved all your "snaps" of Ruth's new hang out. Oh and by the way, about the thread just dangling there calling my name...I'll take one of each!


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Have a wonder-filled life!