
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Needle's Garden

Let's take a walk through the garden
That my needle made for me.

A thistle bursts beneath my hand
And leaves drop from the trees.

The shamrocks rise to bring me luck
And the beads are spread and sown.

A greater joy for garden work
My heart has never known.

My fern is blessed with pearls of light.
My roses face the sun.

My hands have settled down to rest
for my needle's work is done...


  1. Swoon! Love your Needle's Garden! The thistles and the pearly ferns make my heart go pitter pat! Gorgeous!

  2. Yummers, Susan! Especially those thistles, they are spectacular. The poem goes so well with the pictures, too.

  3. O.M.G. That's art for my heart. Hugs, Cat

  4. Art for my heart indeed! Well said, Cathy....and how totally lovely, Susan.

  5. What glorious stitching. Your thistle is wonderful, well, everything is wonderful!

  6. Just beautiful, Susan! Gosh, I just never know what lovely thing you're going to dream up next; this one is stunning. Can you give an idea of the size and fabric base? And then you write poetry too? WOW!

  7. It is wonderful what your needle can do! Thank you for showing us all the lovey details, you are realy an needle-artist.The thistles are fabulous!

  8. You are a great gardener indeed!

  9. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Your work is beautiful. The pearl sprays are my favorites.

  10. Breathtakingly Beautiful! You are an artist!

  11. Extraordinaire!!!

  12. wonderful! thanks for sharing!

  13. You've outdone yourself this time! Thoroughly beautiful and so well executed!

  14. OHMIGOD!

    This is just *beautiful* *beautiful*

    So many wonderful ideas in using sparkly things!!!!!!!!!

  15. I comes as no surprise to tune in and find yet another fabulous work of art from you. Every piece you do is lovelier than the last.

    Just beautiful!

  16. Absolutely the prettiest garden I've seen in ages!! Love it, love it, love it!

  17. That's the kind of gardening I like to do- no dirt! It is incredible the balance you achieve between thread, bead and fabric. Well done!

  18. Susan...this made me cry. It is so beautiful. So ... well, I don't have the words. I know you know what I mean though

  19. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I stumbled across these beautiful images on Flickr and was brought here. This is so amazing. Thank you for sharing such beauty. ~Kelly

  20. Wow girl you are great, I have just started this art form and thought maybe I encrust to much, nope you are after my heart. I can not express the words about your works, they are incredible. xoxox


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Have a wonder-filled life!