
Friday, November 13, 2009

Interpreting Leaves...

I have the need to stitch a Canadian maple leaf motif on another project I'm working on...

And I found that the shape and design of these vintage leaf appliques are exactly the kind of "look" I want...

These leaves were beaded onto buckram or crinoline...and then cut out to create an applique ready to be applied to something else.

My only challenge now is to interpret them down from this size -- which is about 3 inches -- down to about 1/4 inch...a significant reduction.

It's cold and rainy here as the big Nor'Easter blows through....but this gray light shows off the colors in the leaves to best advantage. It's a great time for a walk in the woods if you don't mind getting wet.

It's also great napping weather and a day where a bowl of oyster stew might be just the thing...

I don't have much time to work on my bead journal project for the next few non-needle life calls me away...


  1. That's a significant reduction in size, Susan. I'll be waiting to see how you do it! Hope that your non-needle distractions are good ones!

  2. May I ask where you got these lovelies? (a current shop?),

    the rhinestone sucker

    (hey, that didn't quite come out the way I meant it to)

  3. Sheila12:43 AM

    You are SO fun! I love the multi-colored paint brush. Thank you for the info on the camera and lens. You get amazing shots. Looks like you are having a great time on your projects! You must have the biggest grin on your face when you come up with these ideas. You know all of us - we can't wait to see what you're coming up with next. Esp. the hat.

  4. Those leaves are lovely!
    Where do you find your buckram, Susan? I would like to find a source for it....

    Glad you are enjoying the stormy weather!!

  5. Allie ~ I use both buckram and crinoline for applique motifs...and I buy them both at's also available online if you don't have a JoAnns near you...

  6. I cannot wait to see how they turn out. Being Canadian, I adore the maple leaf but have never seen one so lovely.

  7. I am waiting to see what a 1/4" maple leaf will look like. If anyone can do it you will and remember you have all us Canadians watching you now.



  8. I cannot imagine getting them down so small. Do you have some 20 ought beads hidden in your stash? These are very pretty though. I could see them on a pair of jeans or on a wedding dress or on the band of a hat or just about anywhere really.


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