
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jewel of India Bracelet

Well, I had to interrupt my bead journaling to work up a bracelet for an Embroiderers' Guild program I'll be teaching in February 2010.

So, being the on-time airline that I normally am, I waited until the last minute to start beading my example. Luckily, all the stars aligned today and I completed one colorway before tomorrow. I had wanted to make two more bracelets using different color schemes but last-minute Lucy didn't make it.

The bracelet design is called Jewel of India and it's from the Oct/Nov 2004 issue of Beadwork magazine. The bracelet is beaded in herringbone stitch and it tends to look like ribbons when it's all finished. This time, I used drop beads in the center as the accent beads and I really like how it turned out.

It added a significant amount of weight to the bracelet as well as dimension because the drops bubble up from the surface of the bracelet. I went with a color scheme that reminded me of roses and, when the nieces stopped by today, they think it goes particularly well when wearing pale pink.

I'm thinking these bracelets might make good Christmas presents....they sure do look good when you wear four at once.

Picture from Beadwork Magazine


  1. Oh this turned out beautiful! I remember this bracelet from Beadwork Mag! Unfortunately, think I tossed the mag in a fit of cleaning (yes, housecleaning, sigh...) I may have to ask you to send me the pattern!

  2. They are all just georgeous! I love your choice of beads and colors. You certainly made a nice selection for examples. The class will certainly go very well.

    XX, Carol

  3. Sorry, I missed that you posted a pic of the magazine! dumb me!

    Anyway, the bracelet IS beautiful!!

  4. Hoo boy, I like this bracelet, Susan. I may have to order that mag just to get the pattern. I like wearing bracelets on my right hand but I hate it when they clank on my desk when I'm using a mouse at work. Beautiful work!

  5. well i know id be thrilled with one for christmas :)
    very pretty...i was do they close...does it have a clasp, or is it a slip on? very nice!

  6. Lovely...!
    ...and you know, I love seeing your hands just as much. ;-)

  7. Now you're getting the idea - the more the better!!! I usually wear several bracelets at once, and the more bling the better. I remember when that bracelet was published, it was very popular. Good class to teach.


  8. Wonderful bracelet!! I sure wish I could take your class. I did take an EGA beading class (my one and only) in Orlando at the national seminar in 2000. It was great. I finished my little bead amulet bag and found beading to be pretty fun. I have lots of beads and a beading I just have to get on with it!

  9. Just saw your comment over on Cecile's blog, and so curious as I am, went to discover your blog!!!

    WOW!!! you do some incredible things!!!!

    I'm bookmarking you!!!

  10. Just lovely. Wish I could come to your class. Yes, to learn how to make this lovely braclet but just as much because I know that it is going to be fun, fun, fun.

  11. Susan, your bracelet is gorgeous!! This is one of my all time favorite patterns from Beadwork mag. I just love the look of the herringbone stitch. When I first saw the pattern I went nuts and made a bunch of them for gifts. Sadly, I didn't save one for myself. I am going canoeing next week and these bracelets would be the perfect portable campsite craft project. Maybe it will rain and I can sit in the tent and bead all day!;)

  12. Love it! It reminds me of the double-spine bracelets I've been making. Don't you love how they feel on your wrist? So soft and fluid. The colors you chose are adorable and the drop beads are just perfect for a subtle hint of texture.

    Now I'm off to finish catching up on the rest of your posts......

  13. OMG - Gorgeous bracelet. You have a great sense of color and style. Must dig thru my back issues to see if I have that one.... Hugs, Cathy

  14. Beautiful job Susan!!! Don't see why you couldn't manage 4!!! Give yourself a break woman!!! they certainly would make stunning Christmas gifts!!! Yo could make your recipients 4 of them over 4 successive years..... or NOT!!!

    your blog is one of my absolute favorites- you are such a wonderfully sharing font of fabulous information!!
    Big Hugs!

  15. What an interesting pattern. I love the finished bracelet

  16. Beautiful colors!!
    I like it!!

  17. Hi there! Thanks for showing my Jewel of India design! I like your interpretations! I'm so happy people have enjoyed the design and put it to good use. Cheers!
    Kathleen Kimball-Baker

  18. So awesome jewelry sets. These are so unique and beautiful jewelries. I like the beautiful traditional Indian Jewelries.

  19. I love this bracelet and am desperately trying to find this beading pattern! I had no luck going through Beadwork Mag! Could you please send it to me? I'd be so grateful!


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Have a wonder-filled life!