
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday Musings...

Hi! I'm waving at you from my sewing play palace...the place where all the needle action goes down...only problem is...

It's a mess.

So, I'm up here trying to clean it all up so I can start Fall with a clean work table. Hope springs eternal!

It takes me twice as long to clean up because I get distracted. I'd rather do anything but clean and sort and file. So...rather than clean up...I made this little vignette for Summer Charm School...

And I'm thinking about how wonderful it is to live in 2009 and to be able to use the internet and to have a blog. And even more amazing, is that there is a community of people who regularly stop by to read what I have to say! And, that you meaningfully comment and enrich my life because you "just show up". And I learn so much just by reading what you write and seeing what you're doing. It's much more gratifying than a magazine, isn't it?

I guess I'm thinking about blogging today for lots of reasons. First, I just read Robin's post about "Why Blog?"...and, I just had a good blog friend decide to stop because it takes up too much time...and gosh darn it, I'll miss her. Isn't that the craziest thing? That we can form these lasting and meaningful friendships by just coming around to witness (as Robin put it) what each other is doing. I can't tell you how BIG that is...and, frankly, it amazes me. So, today I honor our right to blog and all of you who choose to stop by and be part of my life. You are wonderful to know.

I'm also thinking a lot about blogging because I'm reading Julie and Julia for bookclub tomorrow night. I'm almost finished reading Julia Child's book about her life in France and I'm finishing up Julie and Julia (we could read one or both, our choice) -- which is about a woman who decides to cook her way through Julia Child's cookbook and post about it every day on her blog...and people show up to read it (which amazes her too)...

I'm sure you all know about it because Meryl Streep plays Julia in the movie that is out right now but I haven't seen it yet. I'm very much enjoying the immersion into the culinary world from the outside -- just reading about it...I don't really want to have to tackle it myself...but...tomorrow is the day...

Tomorrow, I, Susan, of Plays with Needles, am going to re-enter the culinary world and prepare a recipe of french cuisine from Julia's own cookbook. This is where your prayers come in...

Every August my book club covers a book relating to food so that we can have a potluck party where we all bring a dish we make from the book... Last year, you might remember my deflated dacquoise...

Well, so I'm thinking about cooking and blogging and I'm praying that I'll be able to successfully clarify butter and find creme fraiche at the grocery store...but that's a problem for tomorrow.

And tomorrow is a big day for lots of reasons. The main one being that Jim and Jack are finally, after about 8 years of trying to get tickets, going to attend a Ravens game. We lucked into the tickets at the last minute and I'm so excited for them to go...Not one of us has ever been to a professional football game let alone a Ravens game...

And they're sitting in Section 111. That's my special number.

And tomorrow morning, I'm waking up bright and early to head down to the Chesapeake Bay. I'll be participating in an Environmental Study run by the University of Maryland which will measure levels of bacteria that will stick to my body/hair, etc. after swimming in the Bay...Sounds like an adventure to me; Jim thinks it's a bit gross; and, Jack doesn't know what to think other than his Mom is making him go. The PhD running the study is letting Jack help with various tasks since he's not old enough to participate in the study. I thought that was pretty nice of her and I hope it's a learning experience for Jack.

I'm hoping it's a learning experience for me too because I've always wondered just how much the pollution in the Bay affects me when I swim in it (see, this is why Jim thinks it's gross...). And, I just read that Ocean City Maryland has very high water quality along it's Atlantic ocean shore...largely because the Bay is the sewer drain for all the storm runoff. That means the Bay is taking the hit and that makes me sad because I love the Bay and I would like it to be healthy.

And so, that's a lot of thinking for a lazy Sunday when I'm supposed to be cleaning...

(Note: The beaded hand was not made by me, unfortunately. I bought it a few years ago at an art show in Baltimore and sadly, it is not signed, so I cannot credit the wonderful artist...It's a good reminder to remember to sign your work!)


  1. What a fun post, Susan! I'm glad you told about the beaded hand at the end. I looked at it enlarged and it seems the beads are glued on it, except possibly the heart area. However it was done, I love it!!! Makes me think about doing a hand shape for next year's BJP... Our lovely hands... a tribute to them and all they do for us.

    Personally, I don't like cooking at all. I do it, but generally it's a chore. So I sympathize with your need to do the JC thing... Good luck!

    I'm glad you wrote about the amazement part of blogging... It's there for me too, almost every time I post, but I didn't think to mention it.

    Please keep blogging, sister... I love my visits to you!

  2. Susan
    i enjoyed this post very much - enjoy all your posts actually! I gave my daughter Julie and Julia and then I felt I had to part up with my very ancient copy of Julia's cookery book - the first penguin ed - not sure where she has got with it all but you are reminding me to enquire.

  3. My brother and his girlfriend (from Martinsville, VA) are also going to be at that game. It's their first NFL game too! They are going to root for NY, unfortunately.

  4. I'm glad you blog and show us all your beautiful work. It's inspired me to try lots of new things.
    I also know how hard it is to blog--I've just started one and it's a lot of work! Maybe I'll send you the address after I polish it up just a little more...
    Enjoy Julia. I've cooked to her book for many years.

  5. I'm working backwards in reading my weekend blogs so haven't gotten to Robin's yet. I'll be interested in seeing what she has to say & how it influences my thoughts, but that will have to wait until tomorrow as I must go to work. Exciting about doing that research work on the Bay area water run off. Don't laugh, but I've been doing reading on Rachel Carson as that is what my Land of Odds piece concerns. I'm busting to show her off, but can't. Oh...and I too am going to read J&J later next month for a bookclub discussion too.


  6. Beautiful hand!
    I like cooking, and it is fun to see receipes on others' blogs. Hope you are happy with your French cooking:-)
    Good luck for the study too.

  7. great post, Susan! LOVE the hand! I will be interested to see what your "research" shows about the water in the Bay - my husband is a water and sanitary specialist and so we are always interested in that... gross or otherwise...
    ah, we are all witnessing you every time you write and we love what you have to say Susan. your words have uplifted me so MANY times.
    Say, do you like the Diana Gabaldon series? I LOVED those books....

  8. YOU have enriched MY life too! It goes both ways. Things always do. Glad the "boys" got their tickets. Glad Jack's going with you to the Bay study. It goes along with my Dad's saying..."never pass up the opportunity to learn something". I hated cooking (and hadn't even cooked anything more than spagetti for years) until about a year ago. Maybe it was just my time to venture off in that direction. I wish I could come and help you clean. I'm sort of sick that doesn't bother me at all. I secretly like it but...shhh..don't tell anyone!!

  9. Section 111 - wow

    Wonder if the friend that's stopped blogging is the same friend of mine that's stopped, here in Oz. I'm going to miss her badly - we were stash-swopping-close. And her family.

    I was thinking that blog visiting is a whole new type of relationship.

  10. Love that charm school setup, Susan! Boy, does that take me back to elementary school, or what!?!

    I'm afraid I would be with the hubbie on the ick factor... shudder.

  11. Susan my heart almost stopped when I saw the beaded hand. I hauled my husband over and said look at what she has made now. There is no end to that girl's creativity. I also thought I had ended my thought of joining the BJP this year as I could not come up with something like that. I sighed with relief when I read the last paragraph.

    I too read Robin's post and I agree with her in so many ways about blogging. A good friend who lives in SC said that reading my blog is like being with me and talking. I enjoy the blogging for me and for my friends, relatives and anyone else who drops in. My son who lives in Minneapolis and my daughter right here both read it. It is my sons way of keeping in touch with what is going on with us. I never would have thought he would read it.

    Hope Jim & Jack enjoy themselves at the game. Very exciting for Jack.


    ps - may re-think joining this year after all.

  12. Anonymous7:17 PM

    i think i might miss you all too much to give it up completely :) i think i might be addicted. Paula xx

  13. This was a very interesting movie that kept me interested from the very beginning..

  14. Hello, I love your blog! I have just recently started to blog and I can't tell you how much I am loving meeting all these lovely creative people and seeing their gorgeous creations too. Pop in and visit me if you have a minute, I love 'meeting' new peeps! Suzie. x :)

  15. Just look at how many people are hooked on your blog posts!! That's not even counting the readers that read and move on without posting a comment. I must admit that I can't stand missing one post on the blogs I follow. Well, again you are having an interesting week. Hope the football game was everything they expected. We go to Bears games quite often. I love he atmosphere, but I must admit you see more at home watching the tube.

    Wow, you certainly made a lot of charms! Cool.

    Well, till later.

  16. I love your charm school vingette! So many delightful things you produced over the summer!

    I've been hearing alot about Julie and Julia... might have to go get the book and read it

    Blogging is an amazing thing, isn't it. I think about how isolated so many of us would be without it. Sadly, our current society doesn't make it easy to socialize with our neighbors as I suspect it did in the past.

    I just got back from Sequoia Ntl Park where the effects of ozone pollution are visible in all the young trees. Definitely made me think about what we do to our envirornment for the sake of convenience. Good for you for participating in the Bay study. Hope you find out that it's safe for you to be swimming in!

  17. I love the hand! What a beautiful find! I've been following your charm school with interest and love the final pic of all of them together.



It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!