
Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Nest for Cancer

Thanks to my husband, Jim, I am back online and better prepared to face my future, technically anyway. The black screen of death has lifted from my house and I am free to post among the living -- it's great to be back.

While I was "sick", I was busy working on making this Stitcher's Treasure Nest. It's for a donation to raise money for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure through the Pink Artists Drawing. The Pink Artist project is the brainchild of Monica Magness of Girl Gone Thread Wild, where artists donate original artwork to be given away to those who make a donation of at least $10 to support the cause. This year the #1 prize is the Pink Artist Quilt -- you can see the individual blocks here. Last year, you might remember that the group made a BEAUTIFUL art doll called Love Squared where inchies were mailed in from participating artists and made into the skirt of this inspirational doll. Technically, the parade of Prizes doesn't officially start until tomorrow so you may want to check back then for the big reveal.

So back to the nest. I had always wanted to make a three-dimensional version of the nest on my March Bead Journal Project -- Flight Delay -- so I decided to make an attempt for this donation.

I had no idea how to make the structure of the nest at first so I started making beaded sticks. The nest used many more sticks than I anticipated -- probably about 40 or so! (They say a wren's nest has an average of 368 per nest so I guess 40 doesn't sound like so many.) I just continued to weave the sticks through and around each other, nestling in bits of fabric and lace, buttons and baubles.

At the end of the day, I was very pleased with how it turned out. I put a little bowl in the center because I wanted to be a useful Treasure Nest. Well, I'm not sure how useful it will be...but the bowl is removable.

Jack had a good idea and said I should put a candle in it. Maybe I'll try that and see how it looks.

I'm heading to New York City this morning just for today and tomorrow. My sister has two visiting French students so we're taking the bus up to show them the sights. Saturday I'll be posting my finished May bead journal. See you then!


  1. Glad you are back!!
    The next is too cool. I love little cha chee to catch treasures. They are all over my house. If the recipient of your prize doesn't like to do that, well a candle would be perfect. Jack has his mother's creative touch.

    BTW, thanks for mentioning MAY BJP. That's where I am too.

  2. Susan, this is STUNNING! You blow me away with your creativeness.

    I thought candle as soon as I saw the glass bowl nesting in the beaded branches. Tell Jack I like his style :)

    Glad to have you back. Have a great trip to NYC.

  3. Yea! Glad to see that you are back online! Love your nest! So creative!

  4. A beautiful nest for a wonderful cause....!

    Such fun to be had in NYC, as we well know. I will be thinking of you there.....

  5. Welcome back from the abyss! I love this nest, Susan... it looks a bit like a magpie nest with all the baubles on it... so cool.

  6. Welcome back, Susan. You were missed! Your nest is terrific; thanks on behalf of all survivors. The efforts of others toward this cause is much appreciated!

  7. So glad you're well again! I missed you!!! The nest is so beautiful. It has so much texture and detail. You are such a caring, wonderful person, Susan. In everything you do.

  8. ohhh what a beautiful nest! I DO like this very much and definitely for a great cause.
    Glad the black screen of death didn't keep you away too long!

  9. Like everyone else, I'm in awe of your artistry and creativity. It's beautiful.

    I'm glad the technical issues have been resolved.
    Marty S
    Crackpot Beader

  10. Susan...that looks great. Love the magpie look to it all. Kinda of reminds me of my work station! I can see that filled with beaded dolls.


  11. Hi Susan

    Yo have done it again. Just beatiful with all the little bits stuck in here and there just like a bird would do.

    I put out a ceramic bird house that was just a decoration and Harv and I would sit at the table and watch a little wren carry sticks up to it to build a nest inside. The funny thing is the sticks would be longer then the hole and she would try every way including upside down until she would get at least part inside. There are sticks sticking out so don't know if she ever used it or not. Don't want to get up there and look and scare them away.



  12. How pretty this is, Susan! I love all of the lovely little treasures tucked in amongst the beads especially the bit of tatted lace. It's a nest fit for a wee fairy princess. Absolutely beautiful!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!