
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dog Days of Summer

No. These are not our dogs. Jack is dog-sitting this week for two separate families in our neighborhood.

Unfortunately, I am extremely allergic to both dogs and cats; and being around them triggers asthma attacks, hives and itchy, red eyes. That's why we don't have a dog. Jack seems to have inherited it as well, but his reactions aren't as severe so he tolerates his allergies better than me.

But it's weeks like this one that make me reconsider getting a dog.

My mother used to always say..."Jack needs a dog. Can't you get one of those hypoallergenic ones??" But it seems, even spending a few minutes with them causes a reaction. So, no dog.

Jack has felt very sorry for the whimpers of his lonely canine charges this week and so he's taken to getting them together for play dates on our back porch.

And he must walk them three or four times a day, just for fun.

But this little Benji-dog named Biscuit has completely stolen his heart. She has decided that he his her new man. She listens to every command he gives her, follows him everywhere, and gives him her full, undivided attention when he speaks. And Biscuit has even re-defined herself as a lap dog this week to prove her love for him.

So he's taken to sitting out on the porch with her for most of the day, reading his book. Biscuit can't get close enough and Jack has fallen in love.

"Can we please get a dog Mom? Please???"



  1. Awww...that's sweet! Those dogs are cute and Jack seems to be a good charge over them. They really look like they're enjoying each other's company!

    Hey! I recognize that settee (cushion) from Pier I!! I almost got the same one!

  2. Boy your son sure is growing up fast. He's starting to get that young man look about him.

  3. Great photos, Susan. Jack's dog-plea would be hard to resist as he looks like such a natural! (There was a horse-plea here once that was easy to resist!) Have a happy day!

  4. What a bummer... that Biscuit is a real cutie and she totally has Jack wrapped around her little finger... so to speak! Maybe find a sleek little dog that you can bathe frequently enough to keep the dander down to a minimum? It might be worth a try!

  5. Great photos capturing the lazy days...Oh, come on Mom!!! There must be a hypoallergenic dog for Jack!


  6. Well, from experience I can tell you that pretty soon Jack will be away from the house more than he is home and the dog will be YOURS. We have 3 dogs now. BIG dogs. German Shepherd/Rotwiler mix brothers and Jack my best baby who is a Box-a-dor (boxer/lab mix). I am holding off getting new carpet because of the dogs. We don't go on vacation because of the dogs. I live with a vacuum in my hand and a clothes brush because of the dogs.

    Just wanted you to know there IS a down side. I, however, don't care. I cannot live without a dog.

    So, anyway, one of the ways I can tell my boys are great is that they are kind to old people and animals. From the look of the pics, you are on the right track.


  7. h my, oh my. Difficult to resist little Miss Biscuit :-)

    BTW, I'm trying to find information about the Defi of Monte-Cristo but they are not in English...
    or this flickr set

  8. Looks like both Jack AND the dogs are having a great week. But what I really want to know is ... what is Jack reading?! (you know I had to ask)

  9. Hi,

    I understand!

    I'm the one allergic to dogs and DH and DD are allergic to cats so no pets. DD is VERY allergic to cats. Sigh...

    And yes, out allergist says that no dog or cat is completely non-allergic. Sigh... Sigh...

    And once you get a dog or cat, the kids eventually go off to college and it becomes your dog or cat.

    So far, I'm successfully resiting as I ask the kids which parent are you willing to give up to have a pet. So far they have chosen the parents over a pet though at times it's been a close call! :-)

    Love the pictures of Jack and the dogs!

    Windy Meadow

  10. I love my cat dearly. We've been living together for over 15 years and she is 19 years old. My live tends to revolve around Abby Cat. BUT...I won't be in a hurry to get a new one when she's gone. They do tie you down and you never know for how long. And a dog is even more of a "tie-er downer" if that is a word (well, I know it isn't a word but I hope you know what I mean). Jack (and you) are lucky to have the opportunity to have the friendship of these dogs. And even the love shared. But you don't have to go there permanently. That's what makes dog (and/or cat) sitting so great!

  11. I am sure the people who own the dogs would be very hapy for Jack to visit and take the dogs for more walks. I can guarantee after 3 kids, 6 grandkids and more dogs then you can name that the dog eventually becomes Mom & Dads. Not saying he shouldn't have one but with your allergies you should probably just visit. Our oldest son is like that with cats. An emergency visit after being around one too long.

    After our last dog went to doggie heaven and we were just retiring we said that is it and life really is simpler. Now the kids are all married and except for the cat allergy guy the other 2 all have dogs, one even has 2 collies.



  12. Handsome Jack and his two canines... what could be more wholesome? I love it that you put this side of life in public view... your beach play, short-making and jumping pictures too.

    This is exactly what we need more of... This is what we rarely see in our rush-rush, take-take world.

    Thank you, Susan!

  13. I wonder whether Mickel Therapy could eliminate your allergies.

  14. What comraderie between man and beast!
    If they can breed hypoallergenic cats, they should be able to do it for dogs....
    He will be going off to school in 5 years, right? Still, it is so tempting...

  15. Awww .. they do look good together. We had 2-3 years of begging for a horse. There was noway we could manage it but it still hurt to say no. #2 SS lived for horses, every spare minute was spent at the stables. Then one day he didn't go and just like that the horse phase was over.


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