
Monday, June 22, 2009

Fun, Fathers and a Fashion Show

Our extended family went to the beach for Father's Day weekend. Though it rained a ton, the skies managed to clear long enough for us to have our Father's Day Fun Fest.

It started out like many of the gatherings with my BIL Jim manning the grill with his little helper...

But the kids cranked it up a notch on the fun front...

They made these paper dolls of their Dads doing things they love. We printed the faces out on card stock, they cut out the heads, made paper clothes, and we taped them to bamboo skewers...

They provided the decoration for the food buffet...

This was a major HIT with the Dads AND the kids...

I told them I would send the idea away to Family Fun magazine!

As if this wasn't cute enough, the Dads were escorted to their theater seating after dinner for a Father's Fashion Show...

With 8.5" x 11" blow up faces of each Dad, the kids dressed in their Dad's clothes and modeled them on the runway.

All the while, the emcee was describing each Dad...

"Here we have Daddy Mark,

sporting a polo and a lovely pair of pants with the new style of a hole in the pocket. He enjoys scuba diving and yawning loudly in the morning."

Each one was just as funny as the last.

It was a great time all around and here's a pic of all the Dads with their heads and all the kids...

And this picture I had to show you because it makes me BIL cracking up...

We did a lot of that this weekend...And did you notice that his daughter wrote Dad in mustard on his bratwurst?? Too cute!

I'm off to unpack and do the laundry. Have a great day everyone! See you tomorrow for Charm School!


  1. OMGosh! What a fun idea! I love the paperdoll Dads Idea! I may borrow that some Father's Day! That would be fun! You have some handsome Dad's in your family! What a great way to create some fun bonding with the kids and their Dad's.

  2. What a blast! I've just caught up on your past few posts--the tea page is phenomenal. You are woman! Swimming in the bay like that - wow! You never cease to amaze.

  3. What a great idea to do with the Dad's face's and the fashion show was just hilarious. Thank you so much for the great idea

  4. This is totally a cute way to celebrate. Our son has his birthday, this year just before Father's day and since the son is the father of 5 he was sort of busy on that day as well as living 500 miles away.

    I enjoyed your celebration and the Dad on the Brat was the best!

  5. Gadoozoks, you all come up with the funnest ideas!!

  6. Sheila5:46 PM

    Definitely a Family Fun winner! We'll look for it in an upcoming issue.

  7. What a party! Your family is so creative and full of laughter and smiles - just like you!

  8. What a cool idea, Susan, you clever girl!

  9. Susan, this is hilarious. And what a surprise! I never dreamed that was what the fashion show would turn out to be!

    Your family has such a wonderful time together. You are so lucky! You must submit this story. It is so original, how can it miss.

    BTW, I bet you could come up with some good videos for that video show, the name escapes me now. You know the one. Someone from near here won the $100,000 recently. Worth a shot too!

    Thanks so much for posting this. Its great!

  10. Your posts always make me smile. This looks like so much fun!

  11. So glad you had a wonderful father's day. With all those girls and Jack! Your family knows how to have a good time!


  12. OH MY GOSH!!!! This was THE BEST!!!! I sent this link to my sisters so they could enjoy the fun too!!!! What a GREAT post and GREAT weekend!!! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing it!!!

  13. What a wonderful idea, some dads are really lucky !


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