
Monday, June 15, 2009

Charm School Week One -- Ribbonwork


Well, I picked a doozy of a book for week one of Charm School -- I think it would be possible to spend the entire Summer exploring instructions in Helen Gibb's Ribbonwork book -- ruching, pleating and fashioning ribbon into flowers...all beautiful techniques.

Ultimately, there was one picture of antique ribbonwork items that inspired my muse. See that woven "basket" on the right side made from ombre ribbon?? That's the one.

The only thing is...I picked the one technique that Ms. Gibb did not have illustrated in her book but it wasn't too tough to figure out.

I set out to weave the ribbon in a similar technique using 4mm ombre Mokuba ribbon that I had picked up in New York... I used crinoline as the support for my ribbonwork as the book suggested.

I then made two little curved leaves from green ombre ribbon --

Attached a ruffle around the edge, couched some green gimp for a stem, and then sewed the crinoline piece together with a piece of felt and an old stamp finding with invisible thread.

Here's what I learned in Week One:
  1. It takes just as long to work in a miniature format as it takes to work in a bigger one!
  2. Ribbonwork differs from ribbon embroidery because each motif is made separately, then put together into a pleasing composition and stitched to a background fabric like crinoline. The excess crinoline is then cut away and the resulting ribbonwork can then be attached to a dress or item for which it was designed.
  3. The zigzag effect of laying this ribbon doesn't happen automatically -- you have to make sure that you are placing the darkest edges on the same side as you weave, both horizontally and vertically.
  4. The zigzag effect is more predominate if you don't cover it up with something else. The background still appeals to me in this charm but the zigzag that I loved so much is somewhat lost here.
  5. I really enjoyed making individual motifs and then attaching them all to crinoline. I can envision other uses for this approach other than ribbonwork.
  6. Going to school takes time and it isn't so easy to post this on Monday morning following a busy weekend. From here on out, you can expect the Charm School post on Tuesdays.
Maybe after my Summer Charm School, I'll be as charming as this lady...

OK...Maybe not. But she is "Eliza Doolittle" lovely, isn't she?

As for the book selection for week two, Jack picked number 22 -- so here was the 22nd book on the middle shelf of my bookcase.

This is the book I'll be "studying" this week...Already it looks like it's full of fabulous ideas...

The back cover, alone, is worthy of study...

Have a great day!

OK, sorry. It's really not fair to say how terrific the back cover is without showing here you go....


  1. Love YOU doing the studying and ME enjoying the result!! LOL Gorgeous! LindaSonia

  2. WOw, that is one lovely charm.

  3. Anonymous3:27 PM

    beautiful. i agree about the zigzag background being a bit lost BUT the overall effect is lovely. and the back cover of the ribbon book is stunning. i have never been that inspired by ribbon embroidery - i think i may have changed my mind!

  4. Very pretty, what a nice job you did.

  5. Love the charm! Wonderful way to take advantage of that ombre ribbon and show it off!

    The back cover of that book is glorious! Love all those leaves and can't wait to see what you come up with from this book for your next charm!

  6. and you will be able to make just ONE charm from the #22 book?? the back cover alone is full of awesome stuff!

    oh, and i do just feel the first charm for the season is a real charmer! now i want to do i have time or a huge book collection, though i could go to the library and get a different book every week....oh gee what have i done???

  7. WOW!!!! It is lovely. I truly wish I could do that. You do NOT need to go to Lesage for lessons.
    There is a Mokuba ribbon store in Toronto and the ribbon book they sold me was in Japanese. They told me I should be able to follow the illustrations which is easier said than done.

  8. That turned out great! I can just imagine something like that on a dress for Sophia.

  9. Wow - lovely, and I never would have guessed (from the photo) that it was woven ribbon if you hadn't shown it.

  10. I am speechless for the entire charm...tiny stitches, miniature design..did I say tiny stitches?
    Thanks for sharing this charm, I have never seen anything like it.

  11. WOW Susan, this is lovely! and the book you showed - okay... I have books on ribbon embroidery, not that I've ever USED them, and ribbon flowers and ... Guess it's time to dig them out.... You are amazing....

  12. rockyptpatterns1:24 PM

    Just wonderful!! Your blog is filled with such incredible inspiration!!! Thank You so much!!!

  13. Love that ombre zigzag effect... but I also like the flower on top of it! I do have to say though, that the next book is a stunner, especially that back cover... oh, my!!

  14. Week One is a great start...and a beautiful finish! I like that you list what you've learned. OK...I gotta get out of my "do nothing" phase now. You've talked me into it. Today I start something!!!!

  15. You are going to be at the head of the charm school class.

  16. i love your work,extraordinary smaaart...lovely,your camera work is awesome...great..i am a follower now!!!


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Have a wonder-filled life!