
Friday, June 26, 2009

Charm School: Extra Credit and Research

A few years back, I had the lucky fortune of acquiring this little gem of vintage ribbonwork.

I was immediately infatuated with the idea of a stitchable ombre ribbon. See how the ombre is always going in the same direction? The effect is quite lovely. The trick was trying to find ombre ribbon that was only 2mm wide...

Well, when Allie and I visited Mokuba in New York in May, they had it! I had found a source...yippee! You may remember in the first week of Charm School I used the pink ombre ribbon to weave a zig-zag background for my charm.

Since then, I have been smitten with this little ribbon and itching to try out a leaf...So, I decided to make this extra charm this week...

Just one was a little tricky because I sewed the ribbon onto crinoline and then attached the crinoline to the copper leaf finding...I then outlined it with pearl purl and added two other baubles to charm it up...

I would prefer working this technique directly onto my crazy quilt block rather than onto crinoline. That being said, I predict that this wonderful little skinny ombre ribbon has tons of beautiful uses...

The other thing that had me infatuated was this passage from Helen Gibb's Ribbonwork book...

During the 1920s, many of the formal gowns of the day were embellished with ribbonwork. One Paris design house, Boue Souers, who dressed the European aristocracy, was famous for its lace- and ribbon-trimmed gowns.

Boue Souers? I had never heard of it so I googled it and I found this wonderful, short and informative post about the sisters. It's really a delicious little read and the pictures are worth the visit alone.

Oh, but the creme de la creme (sorry, for some reason, I keep writing French words but I can't figure out how to make my accented "e"s...forgive my faux pas), comes to us from the study of Sacheverelle via where she posts her study pics of a Boue Soeurs Court Presentation Gown that she undertook at the Met, NYC in 1997.

*sigh** It doesn't get much more charming than that...

There are more pics of the dress on the site if you find yourself intoxicated and hyperventilating after seeing all of those pictures...

Off to get my oxygen...


  1. Yes, I am sure you needed oxygen!

    What an exquisite little charm, too.

    There is my fave Oscar dress of all time, a modern take on what you've been writing about this morning....

  2. Those dresses are exuisite with their ribbonwork! Wow! What a time to wear dresses!

    That charm you made is lovely, too! :)

  3. I think I need extra oxygen too. Wow! I thought beads were time consuming! Yikes on the ribbon work! Not going there, Mar, Not going there!

  4. Your ombre ribbon leaf is beautiful.
    thanks for the info about Boue sisters. Their dresses are breathtakeing.

  5. Sheila3:31 PM


    The Cate Blanchett dress is beautiful! The hummingbird amidst the flowers is very fun.

    The Trouvais website is AMAZING. Did you poke around there and see some of the other wonderful examples of ribbonwork besides the Boue Souers example? Neat stuff over there. Thank you for the link!

  6. Fabulous! Fabulous! Fabulous!

    to get an accented e, use "alt" and at the same time key 130.

  7. My jaw has dropped to the floor. That is so lovely. I've actually seen some textiles like this at the Strong Museum in Rochester. And I do believe I've seen purses using some of this same ribbon work technique at the antique show here in town. I'm intrigued with the ribbon work that you have been doing. Humm...time to maybe add another book to my library. Oh & I'm not playing hookie from Summer School...just need to photograph my homework. Don't want to be called a slacker!

  8. Oh my!!! Love these beautiful wonders! Too bad I have to go to work in a bit and don't have time to read more right now... but I'll be sure to!

    Love, love, love your ombre ribbon leaf too! I must admit to a bit of stash envy at the moment!

  9. WOW! and the world thinks it has made so much progress with gadgets and stuff, while there are samples of gorgeous things like ribbon work??? I had to mop up a pool of drool after seeing those dresses! WOW WOW WOW! Oh Susan - to see the things in your 'stash' makes ME look laughable! Your leaf is so pretty... would you come be my personal trainer? :-D

  10. So many great things to comment on in this post...
    I love what you have been doing with the hombre ribbon. Oh and that ribbon embroidery on that dress. Amazing!!

  11. As always your ribbon work enchants me! I too saw many beautiful gowns with ribbon embroidery in museums. How I long to try it myself!

  12. Your leaf charm is beautiful. I always have to remind myself that these are very small pieces. You are amazing and...yes, sort of a nerd....extra credit already! lol The dress is incredible. I can't even imagine wearing it, much less making it!

  13. Très belle, mon ami! I was just perusing Candace Kling's "The Artful Ribbon" last night -- drooling over the ombre ribbon. I'm moving in a couple of weeks and want to do something 20's inspired in my new bathroom.

  14. Anyone have a time machine? I want to go back to Paris and see these beauties fresh and new! Thanks for sharing - and for the extra charm ;)

  15. Needing mega-dose of oxygen as I catch up on your posts... Had house guest last week and didn't get to my 'puter. Now it's overwhelming, and I've only just begun. This ombre ribbon intrigues the H out of me. I'm going to have to make another trip out there and cajole (sp?) you into another trip to Mokuba's! OK, well that will be after I save a WHOLE BUNCH OF BUCKS! Hugs, R


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