
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Today is the Day!

Today is the day that Allison Aller is flying from Washougal, Washington to the East Coast for Allie Fest 2009.

Imagine my delight this morning when I went into the yard to snip some flowers for Allie's room, and I saw this~~~!

Oh, I wish you could smell it!

The Chinese consider the tree peony to be the "king of flowers" and regard this showy flower as a symbol of good fortune, high honor, and the spring season.

What better way to greet our very own Queen of Flowers than with the King!

There's going to be a lot happening in the next week or so. I'll do my best to come back and tell you all about it!


  1. I love peony I have them in white in my garden but aren't ready at the moment!

  2. Our peonies are just beginning to grow; everything is slow this year. Have a great week!

  3. That flower is amazing!
    The lacey petals..
    the full center...
    I see why they call it the King!

    I'm sure Ally will be very honored!

  4. I'll "say" the same thing to you that I said to Allie... Wheeeeee!

  5. Wow, that is a stunning shot of your peony!

  6. This lovely Peony is a good omen for this visit!

  7. Most people can grow peonies without trouble, and I used to. Wonder why I can't anymore? Oh, well, I love your photo!

  8. Well, aren't you the hostess with the mostest? That peony is gorgeous! :)

  9. So beautiful!

    Have a fabulous time with Allie!

  10. Stunning!! I love peonies but can't grow them here in So Cal so I envy you!

  11. gorgeous. breathtaking. about all I can discover here in Wisconsin right now is a little bit of green popping out, nothing as stunning as this!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!