
Friday, May 29, 2009


Thank you so very much for all the Congratulations and Liberty Love from my last two posts. I'm still basking in the afterglow of all that fun!

I had an MRI on my hip on Tuesday and I'm happy to report that I don't have a stress fracture or a muscle tear. It appears as if I have inflammation of the ligaments/sac that form a protective seal around the hip joint. Huh, I didn't even know I had one of those! I can walk and sit pain-free, but when I go to stress the area by running or biking hard -- it makes itself known. Looks like I have a few weeks of rest and I'm hoping that will take care of it. I can still swim though...which makes me happy...

Not much to show today since I'm starting by April BJP. I'm really pushing to get this done very quickly so that I can get caught up with May and June by the end of June. Fingers crossed.

This piece has another three-dimensional element on it -- like the nest in my March BJP. I very much want the piece to protrude from the background so I've fused the shape onto wool felt and backed it with the interleaving paper that Robin suggests. After it's beaded, I plan to back it in another material to cover the stitching. I'm hoping that all the layers will lend substance to the mysterious "outcropping". Oh well, if the experiment doesn't work, I may have to send you all 3-D glasses...

All will be revealed in due time -- I know, it's not very sexy right now, prep work just isn't sexy -- it's like functional underwear...not the sexy, Victoria's Secret underwear...but the white, bleachable comfortable underwear...

not that I own any of that...


  1. My daughter told me, as her baby belly increased in size, "I have to get some granny panties, mom, because mine aren't very comfy" Wonder if she got white??

    Then daughter #2 says, as she viewed herself in her Prom dress [this weekend], "maybe I should get some granny panties so I don't have a line."

    I was wearing granny pants long before I became a grandma, so where did they get that???

    Congrats on the Liberty achievement!!! And glad to hear the hip is not hooray-ed just yet.

  2. I can't guess yet what this will turn into...the sketch in the upper left corner of the picture is tantalizing, though!

  3. Glad to hear that your hip injury isn't permanent, Susan. Your comment about being behind reminded me of a saying on our wall: "The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get." A good reminder that the process is worth enjoying, and sometimes slowly....
    Yours, no matter how slow, are wonderful!

  4. Susan, so glad to hear that you are not going to have some permanent damage to your hip...oh and I forgot to give you big kudos for the Lady Liberties. YEAH! I'm intrigued at your next piece & will be patiently waiting to see the end result.

  5. I certainly hope you "bead journal" about your thoughts during the Liberty race--it sounded like splendid emotional fodder to me.

  6. Years ago my gyny guy said if women would throw out all the silkie, fancy underwear and just wear the regular white cotton, washable, bleachable underwear his practice would be cut in half. Apparently more infections, etc. I took his advice and never have bought anything other then cotton sometimes I go wild and buy some with little flowers. A girl has to have some fun.

    Can't wait for the next bead project. Nothing can beat that bird, egg and nest and the gorgeous flowers. I may eat my words - will have to wait and see.

    Glad the hip is nothing more serious. Just take it easy on it for awhile.



  7. I'd been wondering about your Liberty Ladies race and hip... but took several days OFF computer to get some serious stitching done. Loved the whole story, all the dazzling pictures, that you finished and most of all the heart! Thanks so much for being you, Susan... amazing in every way! It's very good news that your hip will heal and that you can sit, walk and swim without further stress to it! A good physical therapist might be able to help make it heal more quickly.

    I also loved reading about your Judith Montano piece... what a treasure! Am very curious about your April BJP... It's great fun to have a little mystery here!

    Bravo, m' friend! Robin A.

  8. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention the colors in your thistle photo. Whooooo-ha, be still my heart... pattern, texture, color... How will you stitch it????

  9. So glad to hear there is no "big" problem with your hip! Hope the rest cure works wonders for you!

    LOL! at the Victoria's Secret vs Grannie Panites analogy! I happen to believe in comfort these days, so have to admit I'm of the latter persuasion! We use these also on the Postparum unit where I work and I always smile at the comments from people about how comfie they are ~ seems many people never have tried them!

  10. Well, a trip to your blog is always entertaining, thats for sure. I could only wonder when I read "foundations" what you would be talking about. It never occured that you would mention "Granny Panties". Being short waisted, I could never wear them anyway. They'd cover my midriff!

    So, you have hinted at another interestingly creative page you are starting. I can tell already, this is gonna be good!

  11. Boy, I do. Have some of those. I refuse to wear any other kind.

    As a person who has a lot of tendonitis problems I can tell you that rest is the cure and then slowly (oh, my gosh, I can't stress how slowly) start in again and build very gradually (make that very gradually). Sigh!

  12. Congrats on Liberty Love - good thing you need to rest and just bask in the afterglow!
    Granny panties! o too funny! When my daughter wears a pair of my jeans or something she always complains that the waist is too high - but tactfully doesn't call them "old lady pants" to my face...! (but I've heard her say it to friends!) oh yeah, like I want to wear those really low jeans where everyone can SEE everything that should be covered!!!
    can't wait to see your April page!

  13. So happy to hear that the hip should make a full recovery with a little TLC and time. That's really great news. Never been one for the fancy undies...oh, I've tried them all...and gone back to the same ole "grannies" as before! I never really thought clothes make sexy anyway...not at my age. It's gotta come from within!

  14. Glad to hear a little R& R should help your hip, Susan!


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Have a wonder-filled life!