
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Liberty to Liberty

This weekend I'm participating in the Liberty to Liberty Triathlon with a group of wonderfully crazy girlfriends. The event takes us from the Statue of Liberty in New York down to the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia -- ending at the Rocky Statue at the Phila. Museum of Art.

I have had some trouble with a hip injury this Spring but feel well enough to race. But, I can use all your positive thoughts -- this old gray mare she ain't what she used to be...

I've figured out a way to take my camera on the bike so, irregardless of how I do, I should have a pics to share when I get back. And that's really what matters...

Wish me luck!


  1. Have a great time, and GOOOD LUCK!

  2. You and your friends are awesome!
    I hope your hip behaves and that you all have a truly terrific time.

    Can't wait to hear about it!

  3. Sheila8:51 AM

    "This old gray mare, she turned into a racehorse, turned into a racehorse, turned into a racehorse..." Have a great, fun time, and good luck!

  4. Many, many positive thoughts from France. That should work, the Liberty of New York was made by a French, wasn't she?
    ANyway, have a terrific time.

  5. Wish I could be there to cheer you on in person, Susan! Have fun, and we'll all be waiting to hear about your adventure. Good Luck!

  6. What a wonderful way to share. I know you'll have a blast.

  7. Whoa! I cannot even imagine swimming one mile let alone biking 91 miles after that. You are amazing and you have my good thoughts and wishes for these feats.

  8. You are AMAZING! Hope you have a fabulous event and that your hip doesn't give you any difficulty!

  9. I think you are totally awesome to even think about doing these 'marathons'. Wish I could be there to cheer you on. I'll be cheering from the UK. Good luck and have a great time.

  10. All my positive brainwaves are with you!!!!

  11. You go, girl! Good luck and have a great time.


  12. My Gosh Susan!!! I had no idea you were such an athlete. You go, girl! What an inspiration you are to me. Can't wait to hear how it went!

    Much love,


  13. I sure do wish you all the good luck in the world. On the map your route looks all downhill! Wouldn't that be great! All the best to you for a safe trip.


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Have a wonder-filled life!