
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lucky Me

A week or so ago, I was the lucky winner of this beautiful book handmade by the very lovely and talented Eileen Terwilliger of Star's Fault. I can't tell you what a delight it was to receive this beautifully-crafted book -- I cannot wait to fill it full of lucky thoughts and memories. Isn't it great to receive a gift so full of visual delight?

I hope you will stop by and visit Eileen's blog. She lives in Anchorage, Alaska and has created a very enticing and creative life. Her photos are wonderful and often include her cat Star. She dabbles in many different art forms and she puts great care into everything she does. Check out this post about her Garden Journal (TDF!), this post on Grandma's washcloths, and I loved this one about making an ottoman cover! And more pics of my book here...

I always enjoy my visits and am very grateful for owning a piece of her evocative world.

Now, I'm off to pack and prepare for my trip. Early tomorrow I'm leaving to visit my Dad who lives in Naples, Florida. Warm weather, sunshine, seashells, delicious produce and afternoon naps.

Lucky Lucky Me.


  1. Have a GREAT trip! Sure will miss you but look forward to hearing about your adventures. The book, by the way, is very nice.

  2. It seems almost too pretty to use! Have a great trip.

  3. Have a great trip!

    Bring back some shrimps for me.

  4. Bon Voyage, Mon Amie!

  5. Have a great time in Naples with your Father. Our weather turned cld down here for a couple of days but the next week looks gorgeous. Just soak in that sun and have fun visiting.

    Congratulations on winning. I went to her site and saw all of the book. I would be scared to write in it in case I spoiled it.



  6. Hi Susan:

    What a nice prize to win. The book is lovely and I am sure that you will put it to beautiful use.

    You will have a very nice visit with your father and this should be a nice time to go. We'll miss you. Be sure to post pics as soon as you are back!

  7. Happy trails to you and yours!

    This is a beautiful book. Rustic and yet elegant all at the same time. I'm so happy you won it!

  8. WOW! What a treasure! That is absolutely beautiful! :) I'm glad that the book went to someone who appreciates all the work that went in to it.
    Lucky you, indeed! :)

  9. Lucky you is right!!! Isn't Eileen's blog amazing!? I am constantly inspired by her incredible work. Congratulations ; ).

  10. Enjoy your warm visit by the sea!!! I am yearning for warmth and the sea as we are experiencing a huge Spring snowstorm in Denver...What a fabulous "Lucky You" book!!!

    Much love and Happy Spring!



It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!