
Monday, April 20, 2009

The Great Erase

It takes a few days.

It takes a few days, when you first go to the beach, to unwind from the world --

to allow yourself to become unhinged,

to open...

And once you settle into the rhythm of the sea and the sand...

your mind frees itself and your thoughts float and spin and toss and play in the sun and the surf

or they amble along without any purpose...or they lounge about...

and it is re-freshing and oh, what a release -- a relief --

almost as if you were bleached out like the shells that tumble at your feet...and your mind erased by the next wave that comes upon the shore...

Erased...tumbled and rolled until you have smoothed out your edges...

and you have become patient.

Patient with yourself.

And willing to wait for yourself.

It takes a few days.

A few days to wind back up again.

A few days to tuck away the sunshine and the sea and the sand so you can stay open on the beach for a little while longer.

A few days to tuck away those shells that remind you to stay open. To be grateful.

It takes a few days.


  1. Lucky you! What a blessing to be able to have such a time of renewal and refreshment!

    Lucky us that you can share such a time with such evocative photographs and your crystalline and poetic words! Thank you!

  2. Reading this post actually relaxed ME! Glad you were able to get away, have a nice visit and enjoy the calming side of nature in the warmth of the sun and swell of the surf.

  3. A beautiful photographic essay.

    That was Jack on the shoreline in the distance, wasn't it. I think I recognize him, even at that distance - the way he stands.

  4. What a blessing. I hope you wrapped some up and brought it home with you.

  5. Sigh.... I can just about hear the waves and feel the sand between my toes. Such joy!

  6. What a beautiful post! Love the photo of all those shells!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!