
Monday, April 6, 2009

The Charlie Brown Cherry Tree

So, after my post on Friday, you were probably expecting to see beautiful pictures of cherry blossoms from our Nation's Capital...

Well, I got nothin'. We didn't go. Everyone at our neighborhood Egg Hunt on Saturday told me about the huge road race...the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler -- that was going to be held on Sunday morning when we were planning to go. And how, at the crack of dawn, the entire tidal basin would be mobbed with runners who come from all over the East coast to participate in the race. So we decided not to go.

Instead, all you get is Charlie Brown Cherry tree in my front yard...

When all of the adults around are spewing forth mouth-dropping visual delight, my little tree managed to make a few blossoms. Now, it kind of gives me an idea how teenagers might feel...

I planted three of these last Fall and these are all the blossoms they've got. Just enough to tell me they were alive and that they're working on it...

But, lest you be disappointed, look how pretty they are up close, and in the rain.

Check out the subtle shading of the they sway in the they droop so gracefully under the weight of the raindrops...

Yes, it's raining again. But I know it's good for the the grass, the trees and the yard, so I'm not complaining. It's just not good for photographing needlework.

So, if you want to see the perfect post on the trip I wanted to take to D.C., check out this post from Such Pretty Things. And, if you want to see stitched cherry blossoms, check out this post from Ivory Blush Roses.

And, if you want to see pictures of my son and husband after a day of shooting paintballs at each other and about 200 other testosterone-laden can stay here.

They were so wound up -- nothing like a little violence to get their blood moving -- not to mention that they tickle each other constantly while I'm taking their picture. There's nothing better than the sound of your child belly-laughing...

They were confined to the garage until they were completely naked. But I spared you those pictures...

And, since you already know that my latest BJP has something to do with cherry blossoms, here's another hint.

Have a beauty-filled day.


  1. Oh, the raindrop laden blossoms look lovely. You know, the year I made it to DC I arrived during cherry blossom season! There was not one cherry blossom to greet me as the trees had all suffered frostbite the winter before! Bummer!!!

  2. Beautiful photos, Susan. Jack and your husband look like they had a great male-bonding adventure. Who or what built a nest in your flower pot?

  3. Your cherry trees hint at the beauty to come! Each blossom is perfection! Thanks for the link!

  4. Thanks for the smiles!

  5. Fun post.

    Next year those trees will be up and running.

    Great pics of the guys. I think the paint didn't really show up as much as they were probably coated. When my boys go, they are a lot worse than that...then they sleep.

  6. That Charlie Brown tree will be so much more smothered in blooms next year....
    What delightful photos of your guys!!!

  7. I was in the area, and we went downtown to see the Cherry Blossoms on Friday instead, I heard that the weekend would be crazy! And you are right, Such Pretty Things has the best blooming tree pictures ever. Her photos are so much prettier than what I saw in person there!!

  8. your charlie brown tree shows lots of promise! sorry you didnt make it to DC on Sunday, but im with you...the experience would have been ruined by all the crowds...not to mention the horror of finding a parking space :)
    Besides, then you would have missed this absolutely fabulous photographers moment of your husband and son....a wonderful photo! I love it! Looks like you had a nice weekend after all :)

  9. Your men look so happy and gorgeous!

  10. You must save that picture of Jack with his head on your husband's shoulder. That is a super shot! just super!

  11. Cherry blossoms come again. That is a fun thing. What you missed this year, you ay not next year!

    What is it with guys and violence? I've never gotten that part of maleness at all.

  12. Now, I loved your Charlie Brown Cherry tree. At least it has some blossoms. I can't for the life of me get one to thrive in my yard. BUT the thrill as the joy in your son & husband's faces. That was the Song of Spring.

  13. There will be another time for cherry blossoms in DC. YOUR charlie Brown cherry tree is wonderful! It IS hanging in there and it may just surprise everyone one of these days! I just loved the pictures of your family. Thee is no replacing the look of such true happineess and love.

  14. Amazing pictures...your blossoms look wonderful with the drips of rain.

  15. I totally agree the photos are just beautiful of your own cherry blossoms. You seem to get a lot of rain at this time of the year. My husband and son also went paint balling together, they came home dirty, exhausted and very happy. It is great to have a photo of the two of them.


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Have a wonder-filled life!