
Monday, March 30, 2009

Sweet Serendipity

So here's the final installment of our New York day trip...

After winding our way through fabulous Central Park, looking at all the Spring flowers beginning to show their faces, listening to jazz musicians, violinists and watching ice skaters, boaters and runners...we found ourselves on the bottom right hand corner and headed toward E. 60th Street. Because, we were on our way here.

Serendipity 3, Manhattan's Famous Ice Cream Parlor -- which I had stumbled upon by chance -- which is only appropriate.

But, real serendipity was at work this trip in New York, because on our way to Serendipity, the Restaurant, we had to walk right by this!

Which just happens to be Jack's favorite candy store in New York. Dylan's Candy Bar is owned by Ralph Lauren's daughter, Dylan, and has candy bins chock full of sugary confections. I think it's a bit overrated and expensive but what can I say? He's a kid... it's a candy store...

You pay by the pound -- so you can load up your bag with anything and they weigh it at the end.

After making the all-important candy purchase for snacking on the bus trip back,

and loving the colors and sparkly-goodness of this rock candy...

Especially this PINK sparkly goodness,

we headed off to Serendipity where we had reservations for 4:00pm.

The line was outside of the door and the inside was small, quaint and charming with stained glass light fixtures hung everywhere.

We were seated right away and ordered our sandwiches based on the waiter's recommendations and we were not disappointed! But, our most favorite treat of all was the one menu item for which Serendipity is famous for...Who knew?

Frozen Hot Chocolate!

And my kid loved it...

Both of them.

The recipe for Frozen Hot Chocolate can be found in the recipe book Sweet Serendipity. And there are two more books made famous by the restaurant -- Serendipitous Sundaes and Serendipity Parties.

Who knew that serendipity could be so sweet?


  1. Frozen Hot Chocolate? Sounds quite yummy. And what did you have? That's one place we'll have to remember if we ever get back to NYC!

  2. What a fabulous serendipitous moment! Thanks for sharing. If I'm ever in Manhattan I'll be sure to go there! :)

  3. The recipe for frozen hot chocolate is on the GMA web site. Apparently they did a segment of Sweet Serendipity.

  4. Anonymous4:08 PM

    what a wonderful guided tour around NYC this has been. (I did not know about the glaciers). will you be my tour guide if i ever (HA!) get to the US? the frozen hot chocolate sounds yummy. we call it iced chocolate here, although i guess it might be a different thing.

  5. The frozen hot chocolate sounds mighty good. Everytime I go to one of the buy-it-by-the-pound candy stores I spend a mint! I only get a little of this and a little of that but it always adds up to a LOT of money! I still enjoy the candy though.

  6. My oh my, I'm getting a sugar fix just looking at the pictures. Shame it's just past midnight here and all the shops are shut :-(

  7. I've heard of both of these places, but ran out of time the last time I was in New York. I would so love to try the Frozen Hot Chocolate, it looks so delicious. Sounds like you had a fun trip!!

  8. What a wonderful place to visit and a proper ending to a great day.

    I wonder if this is the place that supplied Frozen Hot Chocolate for the Oprah Favorite Things Show a few years ago.

  9. Great pictures! found the perfect place(s) for a great family trip!

  10. Two more places to add to my NYC trip itinerary! Those gorgeous candy photos are making me hungry... :)

  11. Oh oh, that looks good!
    I tried emailing to you but I get bounced.
    I wanted to say:Thanks Susan for your comment on the skirt.

    You know, your pants revolution has been a great inspiration, partly leading to that skirt PS show your skin, you are in a far better shape than I, so please, go ahead

    Take good care

  12. Looks like all the kids loved it. How neat is that.

  13. I love dylan's! AND Frozen hot chocolate! YAY!

  14. I have to say not only are you a extremely talented quilter so too are you a wonderful story teller and photographer... I could drop all three kids off at school and run off to NYC after looking at your pictures!

  15. Anonymous11:35 PM

    ...please where can I buy a unicorn?

  16. Anonymous8:45 PM

    ...please where can I buy a unicorn?


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!