
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

On the Roof, It's Peaceful as Can be...

Jack has taken to hanging out on the roof outside of his window.

Lest you think I'm a terrible parent, there is a deck immediately below the roof line where he sits. If he fell, it would be onto our deck on the back of the house. Still, it's a little hair-raising...

but I'm trying to be cool. He says it's "less confining" -- he likes to "be outside -- one with nature, listening to the birds and feeling the wind"... hmmm...

So, every day after school, he goes up to his room, climbs out his window, does his homework,

has a snack, just hangs out...on the roof...

go figure...

Meanwhile, I hadn't meant to have an almost one week blogging break. I've been busy with a few family events that have taken me away from the blog-o-sphere.

We lost my cousin who is exactly my age and died from complications related to alcoholism. I hate that disease. At it's worst, it becomes very isolating. I was so very very sad to lose him. To that.

And thanks to everyone who commented on how to help with the leprechauns. I hope to be visiting your blogs soon to see what you've been up to.

I am working on my March Bead Journal Project which I'll be very excited to soon as I have something worth sharing.

And, we're very excited around here this week, since all three of us are heading up to New York on Friday to see the 'Twixt Art and Nature Embroidery Exhibit at the Bard Graduate Center which I mentioned last week.

OK, I'm going to see the embroidery exhibit, and the men are going five blocks away to the American Natural History Museum. And yes, I promise to take pictures and give a full report. Can't wait!

Oh yeah, the other thing taking up a ton of time lately, is that crazy Liberty to Liberty Triathlon I signed up for which will happen Memorial Day Weekend. We swim 1 mile past the Statue of Liberty (yes, in the freezing Hudson River), Bike 94 miles from New Jersey to the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, and then run a 10k in downtown Philadelphia, finishing on the "Rocky Steps" at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

So, you better believe this 44 year old body has some work to do to prepare for that...

And yes, my husband Jim thinks I'm a fruitcake. A fun fruitcake, but a fruitcake nonetheless.

And everyone knows that fruitcakes give birth to children who live out on the roof.

It's a known scientific fact.

Go figure.


  1. This is too funny. Jack on the roof! My oldest grandson likes to climb a ladder and read on top of the roof above our back porch. I don't worry much about it because the roof doesn't have much slope. Guess he's just a dare devil. Our house has been added on to several times, so our roof line is weird. He walks around all over it. What worse, a 13 year old dare devil, or a huband who is scared of heights?

    At least the kids are reading books up there!

  2. Boys are truly amazing, aren't they? At least when he's on the roof, you know where he is! And who knows what wonderful inspirations will come as a result of being up there? And as for you, a fruitcake? I think not. You've got to be one of the most creative and energetic young women I know, even if it's only virtually! Good luck with the Triathalon and bravo for doing it!

  3. I remember those days. Boys are so cool. I'm really sorry to hear about your cousin. What a sad loss.

    Good luck with your training. Sounds like a wonderful triathalon.

  4. Sorry for your cousin. It must have been hard for the whole family.
    Good that Jack has found a place for himself,even if it is a bit weird :-)
    Enjoy your training! (I can't imagine myself doing that ...)

  5. Oh, I've missed you! I am sorry to hear of the loss of your cousin. Alcoholism is a tragic disease of denial. It is also a family disease. I hope that you and your family find peace, understanding and acceptance while learning to cope with the loss. I am so psyched for you to be heading to NY this weekend! I'll hold you to your promise of lots of pictures, you know! I don't know anything about little boys...they are a strange animal, to quote my dad (the father of 4 girls). But, hey....he's hanging at home. And, by the way, I LOVE fruitcake!

  6. Aw yea, the roof. I remember those days too. It's just a phase that will eventually pass-a way to be alone while being connected.

    I am sorry to hear about your cousin. I hope you will eventually be able to use his death as a lesson for Jack. Family diseases need to be discussed and explained.

    Nice to see you back in blogland!

  7. He won't enjoy the roof so much this summer when the sun is heating up those asphalt shingles! It's gotta be a fun place to do your homework though!

  8. That is one SOULFUL young man you have growing under--and on--your roof!
    So glad you're back....

  9. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Ever see the movie "Sky High?" The boy hero in that movie hung out on the roof - and turned out to be a superhero!

  10. Anonymous1:02 PM

    We missed you so much. You can't leave us like that. Some of us need our daily (or almost) dose of Playing with Needles!!!

    I was wondering how you like the book you one. Have you had time to look at it more?

    I am sorry to hear about your cousin.
    Maureen in MD

  11. My mother nailed my window shut so that I couldn't climb out onto the little roof above the front door, thus falling off and probably doing myself in! Perhaps kids just like to climb outside..... I hope the decking isn't too far below the bit of roof Jack likes....


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Have a wonder-filled life!