
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Marching Matters

March Madness, the Ides of March, the Ideas of March, Mad as a March Hare....the Mad Hatter

(I interrupt this Word March to say that I've always liked the Mad March Hare because he is compelled to always behave as thought it is tea-time because the Mad Hatter supposedly killed time while singing for the Queen of Hearts...

I feel as though some days time is killed and I'm forever stuck having another cup of tea because I know not what else to that time, me and the March Hare have Madness in common, and I like that...)

March of Dimes, March right in here young man, give me my marching orders, March into that sewing room and clean it up so you can actually create something...

This cleaning and organizing thing takes time. Time I'd rather be stitching. And just when I'm getting tired and losing interest in my task at hand, I see a post like this...which inspires me so much that I make one of the pictures the wallpaper on my computer desktop...and I March back into the sewing room...

And I find things that inspire me while I work. Like this mosaic collage I have framed.

This piece was created by Peggy Plonk, who lived in a community where I used to work. Peggy was 85 and was a nationally recognized artist and oil painter. Her arthritis had left her hands gnarled and in pain to where she couldn't hold a paint brush any longer -- so she collected all unwanted magazines and snipped small bits of colored paper -- and painted with those. And continued to create her art. Unstoppable. March on. No matter what. That piece speaks volumes to me. Peggy died many years ago but her story lives on inside of me. Reminding me to persevere; be true to my matter what.

And, on break from my marching, I check to see about that contest and discovered that WE WON! WOOHOO! Pants Pants Revolution won a $100 gift certificate to French General and a copy of Kaari Meng's new book -- Home Sewn! Oh, the girls are going to be very excited!

That's enough for today. Cheeri-o! Or Hi-Ho Cherry-O...

Or, eat your Cheerios, or Cheer for the O's...

Or...Chucky Chan chunked a chest of chocolate cherries, If Chucky Chan chunked a chest of chocolate cherries, how many cherries did Chucky Chan chunk?

Mad as a March Hare and off to drink some more tea...


  1. Hurrah on your win! Well deserved! Bravo!

  2. What a wonderful blog, I'm going to go check it out some more.Laurie

  3. WhooHoo is right! Congrats on your win!!! Tells us what you buy with your winnings. This post is as beautiful as all your others.

  4. Hurray for Pants Revolution! Glad to hear of your win, Susan. Driving around this morning, I heard a segment on NPR, local I think, on a push for more hats, so you're right in tune!

  5. Congrats on winning with your delightful Pants Pants Revolution! You're "da bomb!" Hugs, Cathy

  6. I'm so glad you won!!!
    This is a fun and funny have many treasures, that is evident.

  7. Congrats on the win! $100 will barely scratch the surface, I'm afraid!

  8. Congratulations on your win. I just knew you had a geat chance. Just think of how many second hand pairs of jeans you can buy and decorae with the $100.00. I know, "Off Wih My head". Come to think of it, you probably have to spend it at the French General which is wonderful in itself.

    Bought her last book and a bracelet kit for my daughter last Christmas. Must watch for her new one.



  9. thank you for telling us the story of Peggy Plonk. often, being true to myself is the hardest thing to do. i allow petty excuses to shape my life when there is so much i CAN do. more than i would ever think.

    you are wonderful. and brilliant with words, too. a smile your way....

  10. I can't get the page to load but never mind on French General, but never mind, I'm just so thrilled you won. You deserved to if for no other reason than you gave those beautiful nieces another wonderful memory to treasure.

    Mad you may be, but aren't all of the most creative minds?


  11. You have a beautifully inspiring blog.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!