
Tuesday, March 17, 2009


  1. Good one Susan!! Love love love your new Avatar!!

  2. Happy St Patrick's Day :-)

  3. What an absolutely adorable post!!!!

  4. Aha! Learnt something new there. Wish I could make any suggestions as to a leprechaun trap ... buttons, beads, and the lot as a reward! If I come up with an idea for a contraption, I will let you know. But I suppose you want to try it out on next year's St. Patrick's Day before even considering payment??

    Thank you for a post that provides so many laughs!


  5. Thank you, Susan, for your comment on Janny! She asked me to return the compliment and tell you that even the leprechauns' interference with your blog photo cannot disguise your natural beauty and infectious laugh.


  6. Tell Jack I really like his tie. This grandma of 5 grandsons would like to know how you get Jack to wear a shirt and tie. Is it required at his school?

    I even have trouble getting hubby to wear one now he is retired.

    Jack looked very handsome and your post was very amusing. Had a good laugh.



  7. So hilarious! When are you getting your own talk show/consulting busines on fun...or other endeavor where I can copy your interesting life. OK, I guess copying is frowned upon in creativity world. Thanks for the post, it made my day!

  8. Just stopping over from Star's Fault and had to comment on this delightful post. I know my day is going to be much brighter after reading about the mischief caused by your little Leprechauns.

    ...and your bead work... well I was amazed... I don't think I have ever seen something so intricate and beautiful! I must stop by again.

    Kindly, ldh


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!