
Sunday, February 1, 2009

PPR -- The Finale

Finally! Yesterday we had our Pants Pants Revolution revelation...

Let me tell you, it was so nice to finally see them on their bodies after spending so much time on them.

They were a big hit -- and I think their parents were the most surprised to find out that it was the girls themselves who had cut out their own fabrics and designed their own jeans.

You should have seen their chests puff out with pride; that was the best part for me.

I struggled with the photos because of the bright sun, ice on the ground and inside light...

This is the littlest one, Meghan. She loves the camera so I have a million pictures of her.

She went and grabbed this little stool, sat down, lifted her chin, smiled and said, "OK, I'm ready." Cracked me up.

It's no wonder that one of the fabrics she picked out for jeans, was El Diablito

And this is Katie, the quiet one who doesn't smile too much. She and the Mona Lisa have a lot in common.

She did want you to see her favorite part of her pants though...

And just so you didn't think he wasn't around for this whole thing, Jack jumped in for his cameo appearance...

So today, I think I'm gonna rest. And take down the Christmas tree and the train --

Yes, it's true. My secret's out. I still haven't taken down my Christmas decorations. But if I had taken them down, then the kids wouldn't have enjoyed the train so much. That's the story I'm sticking with...

If you're interested, there are more pics here on Flickr. Have a beautiful day!


  1. O man, what a great finale!! Bet no one can pick a favorite pair. Love all the pictures. You can really see how much the girls love their pants.

    What a wonderfully thoughtful thing to do.

  2. What fun! This is the age group that is just perfect for this sort of fashion and it is fun to see the individuals that go with the pants. How cool is that!? Very!!!

  3. Seeing these pictures is like Christmas for me! Little Robin is going nutso, especially for Meghan's ruffled hems and El Diablito. Ok, correction, she wants you to know that she's crazy about all of them!!!!! And big Robin loves Katie's peace symbols.

    Great pictures, Sue!!!

    Robin A.

  4. Awesome! Don't you know that they will remember doingthis for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately for you I see an annual tradition in the making.

  5. These are all so fantabulous! Their friends are gonna be soooo jealous! You will be the bestest ever Aunt for the rest of their lives. Yayyyyyy you!

  6. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Really, really wonderful! I love all the color. So much better than just plain jeans.

  7. Great photos, Susan. Thanks so much for sharing the process and the finale. Just maybe you unleashed some extra bit of creativity in the nine nieces? I love the piano keys cuffs and well, all the rest. Like I said before, you're a spcecial auntie!

  8. They all turned out so well! Looks like you had a great time. :)

  9. Ohhhhh Myyyy! What beautiful girls and what spectacular jeans! I bet they hang them on their walls when they outgrow them. You are the Best!!

  10. OMGosh! What a wonderful gift you have given to all of those girls! Not only have your provided a fabulous bonding moment and memory for them, you've given them to opportunity to find out the beauty of creating!!! There are so many gifts you have given them besides the opportunity to make those darling jeans embellishments! The jeans all turned out adorable as are all the girls, and Jack, of course! :)

    Thanks for entering my tatting giveaway for OWOH! Good luck to you!

  11. Oh my goodness! These are simply amazing pants!! So much fun!!

  12. Oh my gosh!! This is definitely and by far the coolest thing I've seen on a blog!!! There's so much love in the much much...well, everything that makes me smile and feel loved and warm and happy. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your nieces with me...okay, with "us". I took it all very personally!! And Jack.....he reminds me of the one male cousin on Dad's side. So patient and happy with all of us little girls. Absolutely priceless

  13. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Give yourself a big pat on the back!

  14. Who had time to take down the christmas decorations when you were sewing 9 pairs of pants plus your own pair and the belt. Did you show the girls the belt and what did they say?

    They are a precious bunch of little girls and Jack's not bad at all. He looks like he will be a stunner when he grows up. then watch the girls.



  15. Such fun! Your nieces are adorable! They look like they had a fabulous time doing this! What a great Aunt you are!

  16. Since I started surfing the net years ago, I have never seen such a delightful post in every way!!! You are a great person and the kids are adorable, the whole idea PPR was fabulous!

  17. Dropping by from your link on Year of Color blog.

    How perfect are these jeans? They're WONDERFUL... no.. INCREDIBLE.... they remind me of when I was a kid in the 70's and we embroidered flowers on the pockets, down the leg and along the hem of our 501's.

    Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

  18. I have had so much fun following this project! You ARE a creative jean-ius! I've scheduled a link to your post to go live on my blog a little later this afternoon. I hope it brings you a few extra clicks.


  19. Absolutely, positively, without question...WONDERFUL! All I can say is "WOW" I want a pair!!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!