
Friday, February 27, 2009

Pants Pants Revolution is up for the vote...

Remember, Pants Pants Revolution?

Well, the whole impetus to PPR was to send it in to a sewing stash contest at French General. The idea was to get your stash out of your closets and drawers and use it for something where you could see your stash all the time. You can see Kaari Meng's post about the entries here and you can view all of the entries submitted here. Also, if you feel so inclined, vote for the entry you like best. And, no worries, I'm totally OK if you don't pick mine. I've already received my reward. And, if you get a minute, take a peek at French General's site. There are many wonderful notions to use in your project there!

Stay tuned tomorrow because I have a really fabulous give away to announce from that wonderful vintage notions store I've told you won't want to miss it!!


  1. those pants remind me so much of the 70's.

  2. You win in my book!!!!

  3. Too bad there weren't more entries. Of course I honestly voted for your entry and of course I left a wordy reason why. I just don't know how to leave 3 word comments!

  4. I have loved the pants deal - and wrote about it on and - you're very inspirational.

    I'm off to vote for you!

  5. No contest, Susan. Your idea was clever and a real stash buster. Way to go! Those nieces of yours are just the cutestever! (And look great in their pants...)

  6. Susan I had to vote for you, you made the best use of your stash!! Or rather your girlies did...yeah yeah I know, they aren't "your" girlies, but as often as you blog about them, I think I can say they are yours!!!!!

  7. Once again you have introduced me to another fabulous site! The French General is awesome-I want it all! The notion kits are so neat.

    And your pants pants revolution were by far the best!

  8. Congratulations on finishing this great project and with such flourish and style. You win in so many ways!

  9. beautiful job... and beautiful nieces, too. i do think your project was the best, not just because of the work you did, but because you made so many people happy! the lucky girls, yourself and all the people who will smile when they see the pants worn in the streets.

  10. I voted for your pants. I simply LOVE them.

  11. Susan, I almost fainted when I just saw these!! Now I know what we're doing on spring break. I have a stash of 25 years of stuff and several pairs of Levi's ready to go over here! Thanks for the amazing inspiration.


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Have a wonder-filled life!