
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mouse in the House

See this guy...

He showed up on my doorstep yesterday from Charlotte Lyons and I'm so glad he's here. He has a special role to play in my family this week.

His job is to sit on Jack's computer first thing Saturday morning and deliver Jack his Valentine. Jack is twelve and, believe it or not, a valentine from me seems really important this year.

He's at that adolescent age where he likes to be a kid sometimes and delights in all things kid-ish but just doesn't want anyone to know about it. Enter me. His safe haven. He'll love this mouse; he'll just never want any of his friends to know about it.

Lately, his relationship with me seems to have become very important. It used to be when I told him he looked handsome, he'd blow me off and say "yea, yea, yea..." Now, he looks hopefully at me and says..."Really? Do you think so?"

I can sense in him all the angst of liking girls, wanting girls to like him, hearing all the talk on the bus about girls...

That's where my mouse friend comes in this Saturday morning.

My Dad used to always buy me a Valentine from the time I was about 12 until I graduated from college. It made me feel beautiful and special and loved.

And isn't that the point of a Valentine?


  1. I have been following your blog for a few days now and just love it! This post is very apt!

    I have a daughter who is almost 4 years old and a son who is almost six (months). I hope I remember this gesture when I should!

    I also loved the "pants" project. I love to sew and that was a great project!

  2. What a cute little mouse! Is he knitted? Your creation? Jack will like him, I'm sure of that! Have a Happy Velentine's Dad, all 3of you!

  3. The mouse is adorable! What a sweet story about your father remembering you each Valentine's day! How sweet of you to remember the importance of that and to pass it on. The importance of a parent's love during these adolescent years is incomprehensible to most parents. Thank heavens you understand that. Very sweet. God bless Jack through his teenage years coming up. :)

  4. Jack's little mouse is adorable and he will love it! How sweet and such a good idea... a small reminder that Mom is there to get his back when Love bites... ;0)

  5. I find this to be a wonderful gesture for a mom to share with her have a keeper there!

  6. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Susan, it certainly sounds to me like you are doing everything right!! Debbie (Maine)

  7. Nice Valentine. Funny how boys are. One of my 13 year old grandson's most prized possesions is a a picture of a Bratz Doll that my husband cut out of a sale add and colored in with markers. He put double-face tape on it and taped it to the corner of Cor's TV. He has moved out of our house and now back in and it was so cute to see him take the cutout out of a box and put her back on the TV.

  8. Oh! How cute! Jack will adore this sweet little mouse!

    I think teen boys need their moms a lot! I felt like my boys almost needed me there for them in those teen years almost more than at any other time. Jack's lucky to have you!

    Had to smile that you got the mouse from Charlotte Lyons as I was just looking at her sweet things online a few days ago myself!

  9. I am surprised to read again that Jack is 12! He is a very advanced cook for his age! He is also so very lucky to have a mom who is so sensitive to his needs and stages of development. What a beautiful unfolding...And a beautiful mouse!
    xo Camilla

  10. Tell Jack he is handsome, from me

  11. Ya Dune Good, Mom! It can just be your little secret with Jack. All boys need a mom they can trust.

  12. Sensitivity and respect... doesn't get better than that between a Mom and a kid! Robin

  13. Keep telling him how handsome he is and make sure he has the hair products he needs! When Chad was 12, his time fixing his hair in the bathroom before school increased to half an hour!

    What an understanding and supportive Mom you are.....lucky, lucky Jack.


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Have a wonder-filled life!