
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mission Accomplished

I fell asleep while watching a movie last night around 9pm -- par for the course for me. I had forgotten that I still had some Valentine work to do...

So at 4am this morning, my eyes bolted wide open and I was out of the bed like a shot. I had to find Jack's special messenger I told you about the other day and decorate the computer screen for Jack's Valentine surprise...

Phew! By 5 am I had accomplished Mission #1. So I began Mission #2 for my second Valentine.

I had bought a bunch of cooking utensils for my husband Jim because he loves to cook and many of our cooking implements have "bit the dust" recently -- a rusted whisk, the wooden spoon got chopped in the blender one too many times, and the best one of all...I set the plastic pancake flipper on fire the other morning -- yes, the fire consumed half the flipper before I even noticed it...(told you I shouldn't cook...) -- I get distracted and things burn...

Anyway...I went to find the card that I had lovingly picked out at Hallmark and I couldn't find it anywhere. I had no choice but to make one up...

Necessity is the mother of invention, isn't it? I probably would never have done this if I had found the card and this turned out so much better than some mushy card...

Talk about lighting some fires!! oooohhh Baby!!

And here's your free tip for the day just for stopping by...

In case you've been given lots of this...

Jack just came downstairs and LOVED his present -- he's busy spoiling his breakfast right now... but I'm not allowed to show you a picture because he has bed head...and he cares about that kind of thing now. I remember the days when bed head was all he wanted to wear...

By about 6:30 am, both of my Valentine missions were accomplished and it was just starting to get light outside...

Thanks again to Charlotte Lyons for making this delightful messenger of love...

and just in case all this talk of love is making you sad and/or sick...I hope you do something you love today. Or have a look at this video on YouTube via Meg of Pigtown made me smile the whole time I watched.

Hope you're smilin' -- I'm going back to bed...


  1. Happy Valentine's to you, too! You are SO clever! And you got me to order that EZ book. Your hearts are cute, and I should have recognized that DB yarn......I LOVE that color!

  2. I am smiling. I got to sleep in this morning and gave my sweetie a valentine card to make him smile and feel loved. Next? Errands! sigh!

  3. Your post is a perfectly lovely start to my day!!!!

  4. Happy Valentine's Day. A lovely post and special presents for your special guys. You are one in a million!

  5. Thanks for linking! I love this video, and it's especially interesting since I used to use that station to commute when I worked in London!

    Happy Valentine's Day (and a very late Happy B-day!).

  6. Funny... you were boucing out of bed at 4 AM to take care of your Valentines while I had just finished my Valentine post and was brushing my teeth for the "night." You had a really fun morning making very special treats for your two special men. I know they appreciate and enjoy all you did for them... and so do I... what a sumptuous, luscious, sensual delight you made out of cooking implements (of all things)!!!!! Hugs for your beautiful sweet heart! Robin A.

  7. What an extravaganza!

    I particularly loved the "Flaming Spatula" sharing!

    Happy Valentine's Day, Susan!

    Love, Camilla

  8. LOL!! You go girl... awesome Valentine's presents! Cool video, too.

  9. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Oh boy, I hope you got showered with love for all that creativity. Isnt it funny how home made cards are so much better? Sooo cute, thanks for popping by my blog, I can see you are so loved.

  10. Your Valentine treats are so clever. I'll put the idea about cooking tools away until next year. It would be a perfect gift for my live-in-cook-husband. The comments that went with each items were perfect.

  11. What an adorable Valentine for Jack! Look at that cute mousey!

    The Valentine you made up for your hubby is sweet! Love all the puns you put on the cooking utensils!

    Happy Belated Valentine's Day! :)

  12. Love your valentines you did for your special guys! Oh, if I had only caught up on your blog yesterday when I was feeling so discontent, about Sarah Breathenbach's book.... I have that book and must remember to refer to it. Thanks again for a thought provoking day and for lifting my spirits!

  13. what a genious gift with all those clever little messages for your husband! you made something extraordinary aut of common kithcen utensils! i love the adorned computer as well.

  14. How adorable!!! What a fun gift.

  15. I love the mouse. where can I find the pattern? thanks for help. hugs from Italy


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!