
Saturday, February 21, 2009

And the Half-Award goes to Parcheesi


After all that talk the other day about award ribbons...

Well, award ribbon, schma-ward ribbon.

I cut the thing in half...

It's not that I wasn't grateful for the award... It just didn't look good with the purse I had to finish for today and I was stressed because I had to think of another way...

That's how Parcheesi, the purse, was born but I'll get to that in a minute...

You may have guessed, I was feeling a bit grumpy about having to meet a deadline for making all these purses. And I was trying to find away to turn my bad attitude around.

My girlfriends and I have been talking a lot lately about how to turn the ordinary, mundane tasks we have to do into something extraordinary. For example, my friend hates Monday nights because it's taxi-hell for her while she drops four different kids off and picks them up from four different locations for practices. So, she wore a taxi hat and played Cash Cab with the kids; she taught them how to do a chinese firedrill (safely, of course), get the idea.

While I was making Parcheesi (btw, that wasn't her name until this morning), I cut out multiple fabrics at a time and decided to make all the purses a variation of a theme. Then, I asked myself, how can I make this task less dull and more extraordinary?

That's when the Baby Got Game Series of purses was born. Each purse in the series will be inspired by a Board Game! Woohoo! Now I've tricked myself into having fun and my creative juices are flowin'!

And so, without anymore blah-blah, I'm pleased to reveal the first in The Series...Parcheesi.

Each purse in the series will be inspired by some type of Board Game.

I dug in Jack's old toy bin and found a couple of things to add to the inside of the purse as a surprise.

And, I made up "official" looking tags in Photoshop to go on the purse. This one is going to a silent auction for a church fundraiser so I'm trying to give the impression of exclusivity and uniqueness -- think they'll fall for it?

This is the first in a series that has me engaged, energized and excited. (notice the use of only "e" adjectives? wonder what that means...)

And I'm feeling so very grateful for the day. Grateful for the creativity and the freedom to make something with my hands. Grateful for the "e" adjectives.

Here's to making Parcheesi out of fabric and thread.

Here's to making something ordinary...extraordinary.


  1. You sure did - it's terrific!

  2. how talented you are! the purse is just wonderful and the whole theme idea as well. i'm sure everyone at the auction will go for it!

    the first photograph was rather painful, to see you cutting that beautiful award ribbon in half... but it was well worth it.

    good luck and lots of creativity with the others!

  3. Love it, love it, love it! You are so clever!

  4. Anonymous4:57 PM

    the bag is gorgeous. i love the dotty lining with the houndstooth, mixed with the stripes. so flash.

  5. I gasped when I saw the picture of the scissors cutting the ribbon!
    But it was great how things turned out.
    I have such great memories of board games from childhood. I wonder which other ones you will feature in your series.
    My all time very favorite was "Chutes and Ladders". The consequences were so dramatic for "bad behavior" in that game. (Carrying a huge and unwieldy stack of dishes resulting in breakage, bandages, and tears!) I can see how parents would have loved it......and could so relate.

  6. Hmmmm, I see great things in your future. You should write a book about projects you have done, instructions and all. I have only followed your blog for a few months, but every single day of your life is filled with some creatiave thing you have done!!! I think your purpose in life is to inspire others to extend themselves and think outside the try new things.

    I am so glad that I know you. I am not jealous of your talent, but in awe of it.

    Regards, Carol

  7. I like what you did with the "schma-ward ribbon", LOL! It looks fabulous. What a fun theme, too with the board games. :)

  8. I think you have uncovered the secret--making the mundane fun--we all have sewing chores in our studios but when we can think of the joy we will bring others with the skill of our hands, then it is no longer a chore. Good for you, Susan!

  9. I love how you can take something that's not working and turn it into something gorgeous! Cutting the award ribbon in half and using it to halo the black flower was genus! Stunning looking purses!

  10. How cool is that! I was talking to a friend the other day who felt her life was harder than most. Obviously she need to get her "Game on!" So, I'm meeting with her for a couple of hours every other week to engage in art. I love this idea of making the worst into something better. What a good way to help her also. I'll find a way to challenge her to get out of her rut with that, I bet. Thanks for the lovely working through, for the rest of us to use also. Cute purse too. I love the cards!

  11. What a great looking bag-- your tag makes it special, and there's nothing like black and white to make colors pop. Using board games as inspiration is really clever.

  12. Hi Susan! We came home to SNOW which was tough after all that sunshine. Your purses are wonderful, and I'll be there will be people fighting over them at the auction! Have you thought about having them guess the game/s? Then the winners could be in a draw for something, maybe one of your awards? At any rate, you figured out a terrific way to jumpstart your creativity. I so enjoy following your blog!

  13. Parcheesi! Now that's inspiration and fun motivation to make my day! Love this post, love your bag, love you! Robin A.


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Have a wonder-filled life!