
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Time for Play

OK, I admit it. I've been playing around... I'm currently working on my own pair of jeans for Pants Pants Revolution. I was going to say that this was the most fun a girl could have with her pants off but I don't think that sounds too good...

I'm hoping to have this project sewn up by this weekend -- then it's time for all of the nieces to get back together and wear our jeans out in public. I'm pushing for Sunday but some of them are taking a little longer to sew than others.

I'm trying to use as much of my stash on my pants as possible so that I'm "wearing my stash on my pants" -Boy is that fun!! When the needle and thread came out to play, Katie bar the door!! I love how these little turkey work tufts came out on the "L" -- kind of reminds me of the tufts on a chenille bedspread.

Following that playful note, I want to tell you about this great book I received for Christmas. It's a daily "Awe-manac" and it's full of bits of inspiration, fun and playful observances on a day by day basis. It has a lot of writing cues but I extrapolate those to include my needlework.

Here is what today's page reads...

Today's my husband's birthday so he's an Aquarian. I read him his characteristics this morning before he left for work and his chest puffed out a bit with ownership.

Another truly inspirational book that's been around a while is this one...The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women. I read it about five years ago but look at it often since it's on my bookshelf of "keepers". Judy turned my attention back to this book when she posted about this online book group that is reading this book - one chapter at a time. Jamie Ridler, a creative coach and hostess of the book exploration, is covering a secret a week for the next 12 weeks, including interviews with artists each week pertaining to that week's secret.

Don't worry, we're only on Secret #2 this week and Chapter 1 is very short if you want to catch up. Here's a link to a FAQ if you're interested.

Secret #1 is Acknowledging Your Creative Self and Secret #2 is Honouring Your Inspirations. Chapter 2 is one of my favorite sections so I may post about that one all by itself. I learn a great deal from other people's creative processes and the self-reflection helps me fine-tune mine.

Judy also turned me on to the Creative Every Day "Challenge" which really isn't a challenge per se, but an intention to be Creative Every Day in 2009. Each month has a theme and January's is Play! Isn't that perfect for today?

Here's to you and your time to Play!


  1. Hooray for play! I love the pants pants revolution you are leading. :-)

  2. Those pants are great, Susan. What fun you've had with that idea.
    I ordered the book based on your recommendation; it sounds very interesting! At the moment I'm trying to learn how to do chicken scratch.....part of the stitch explorer challenge.....

  3. I love the "Plays"! I'd like to get more creative in 2009 as well. Funny you should choose to put the page with David Lynch's quote up. Yesterday was his birthday too! [insert finger snapping and spooky music here]

    Play on!

  4. enjoy you blog Susan very much.

    Did you recieve my emails sent privately twice? and the handmade parchment card I sent?
    Best wishes Pam UK

  5. Fun! Prolific! Groovy pants! Lovely creativity! :)

  6. Very intriguing book! I do believe I shall be looking for that myself! Thank you for sharing!


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Have a wonder-filled life!