
Friday, January 9, 2009

Jeans for the Journey

My niece Carolyn has spent the last three weeks at home after spending a semester abroad in Brussels. Today she leaves to return to her third year at the University of Wisconsin as a Journalism major.

Yesterday, I finished her jeans from Pants Pants Revolution so she could take them back with her.

And she was kind enough to cooperate for a photo shoot.

Jack is getting a little tired of being my "subject" all the time while I'm taking my photography class...

She did a great job, don't you think?

I also promised to show you the beautiful bobbin lace that she found for me while she was in Belgium. It was just the perfect gift for this Aunt who plays with needles. The doilies at the bottom were from my sister who picked them up for me when she visited. Isn't it all just a pile of wonderfulness?

In order to make these jeans, I just slit the side seams so that I could sew the fabric pieces on the flat, open leg.

I then sew the jeans back together with the raw edges facing out and I don't finish the bottom of the jeans at all. This ends up with a very raggy, cool and relaxed look after many washings. The kids seem to like them better this way.

I'm off to be the Head Housekeeper today at Chez Elliott. Have a great day!


  1. Those jeans are so cool! She will wear them until they fall completely apart... and then come asking for another pair! Such a nice thing you did for your niece!

  2. Wasn't that nice of her to sit there and smile pretty for the camera. What a wonderful gift for such a sharp gal! The lace she brought you is absolutely beautiful!

  3. Chez Elliott, I love it! That sounds way better than Chez Shaw....but does make housework a little more appealing. So, your niece is a Badger, eh? I tease my kids by calling it the "real" UW as I graduated from its sister-school in Milwaukee. Love the way the jeans turned out...very cool idea! BTW, there's an award waiting for you on my blog!

  4. those jeans are totally awesome...and what a lovely girl to model them for you! great pics...your photography class is really paying off (though i thought you took great photographs before :)

  5. You did a great job on the jeans, I would love to make a pair for myself but... and that is it the Butt. :0). Still they looked great. TTFN

  6. Her friends are going to be soooo jealous!

  7. Love these and my daughter would adore them. So, technical question - how far did you slit them up? How did you sew on the stuff at the top?

  8. Oh, and I'm going to link to you from if that's ok! :) (I post an article every Friday night).

  9. Absolutely fabulous! My DD (age 14) is drooling ;o)

    I have a feeling she might be digging in the closet for an old pair of jeans!

  10. O man! So great! I wish I could wear a pair. Maybe I will. I read somewhere that when you are 57 you should not be wearing this kind of thing, but you know what...I think I will anyway. That's me..I do my own thing. Thanks for the inspiration to get my machine out again.

  11. Those jeans rock! Thanks for showing us the bobbin lace what a great mix of patterns!

  12. This is art in action! Delightful! Can you even begin to imagine the places that these jeans will go? I would love to make a pair but I wouldn't even dare to try with my limited sewing skills! I keep hoping the bobbin won't run out of thread on my beautiful sewing machine...

  13. these are SO cool... I want to make a pair, but I don't think that I can get away with wearing them at my age...

  14. I love the lace. Your niece is a great model and what fun!

  15. Awesome jeans...and so appropriate to wear at UW Madison, where everything and anything goes! It is an awesome campus, and where I met my hubbie!

  16. If I had to choose between some scraps of the skull and scissor fabric and some of the bobbin lace, I think I'd go mad. Good thing nobody's asking me to make the choice. Lovely niece, awesome pictures, fab jeans... you just rock!

    Robin A.

  17. Those jeans remind me of the jean skirts I made in college and wore all the time. It's fun to cut loose and be creative like that sometimes. Very cute girl!

  18. Such COOL jeans!!! Wow...I love them! You just made her the "in" girl on campus!!! Such a great niece....and such a great aunt!

  19. OMG! These are absolutely GORGEOUS! Am I too old (45) to wear them???!!! (smile!~!)

  20. I am a WI gal and I wore some similar jeans when I was at UW Madison back in 1972. I styled my jeans after I saw a photo of Neil Young's on his album cover. Lots of upholstery fabrics, embroidery and patches. I still have them, but they are so fragile now. I am still proud of my creative effort back when I was 20. It is so nice to see an updated version that those Madison kids will still wear!
    Found your link from the Year of Color Blog and I have you bookmarked. Your blue and silvery gold bead stitchery is heavenly! Glad I found you.

  21. OMG!!!! These jeans are absolutely awesome and incredible! Why did I not see these before? And who says we at our ages cannot wear them? Ok, so maybe a little more subdued, but why not???? Can't wait for my 15-year-old daughter to get home from work and show these pics to her!!!! Okay, so will a person with minimal sewing skills (ME) be able to do this?
    Absolutely fabulous!
    and your niece is absolutely gorgeous!


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Have a wonder-filled life!