
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A New Year of Wishful Thinking

In many ways, 2008 was a great year for me. 2008 was also one of the most challenging years of my life. In 2008, I learned what I value most and I began to construct a life for myself that is guided by those values. In 2009, I'd like to continue what I started and see where it leads me...

And so, I send my wishes for 2009 out into the world so that they may be helped along by the energies in the universe and by my own commitment... They are in no particular order. They are random, just like my life. Photo courtesy of LA-Dub
  1. I wish for the creativity to find better ways of connecting with my son so that he continues to come to me with his life's troubles, as they get more complicated and meaningful for him.
  2. I wish for the presence to remember to affirm and value my husband so that he never doubts, that if I were to have to choose again today, I would pick him all over again as the best protector, provider and lover I could have...
  3. I wish for silliness, for unexpected delights, for marveling in the moment and the creativity to embrace the absurd and the unanticipated curve-balls that life will throw me-- and to make fun with it anyway...
  4. I wish to create original needlework designs because this is what truly sets me on fire and feeds my soul...
  5. I wish for enough organization in my household that I am not a hindrance to myself or to my family. I'm definitely not here yet but small steps every day.
  6. I wish for the discipline to establish creative habits so that my days are productive and fruitful.
  7. I wish for the wisdom to just show up at the important moments in the lives of my friends and family even though I may not know what the right thing is to say or do...
  8. I wish that the joy that I feel inside can be scattered to those that are less fortunate and less "rich" and that I make time for this in my life.
  9. I wish to read new books that keep me on the edge of my seat, for stories that move me to laughter and tears, and for the wonder and curiousity to learn new ideas, lessons and techniques.
  10. I wish to learn what all those buttons on my camera mean and to become a better photographer.
  11. I wish to document my life on my blog so that my posts are a reflection of the reality that I am living -- whether good, bad or ugly -- just real.
  12. I wish to make new connections and meet new friends that make me jump up-and-down with the excitement of new opportunities and possibilities.
  13. I wish to find new ways of celebrating my life in stitches.
  14. I wish for the energy to always say "yes" when someone asks me for help.
  15. I wish to learn lots of new things.
  16. I wish that when I finish the Liberty to Liberty Triathlon In May I will be exhilarated, having trained well enough to finish with confidence and not complete exhaustion. I hope I feel like Rocky at the top of the steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art!
  17. I wish to set myself upon a path, and every day, make choices that bring me closer to making these wishes come true.
  18. Given #13, I wish to participate in more creative challenges because they ignite new fires, they force productivity and they are just plain fun. I enjoy the journey a lot more when I'm on it with others. This much I know.
Thank you for sharing the journey. Here's to a hundred more wishes, for me and for you...

Happy New Year!


  1. WISH~
    great focus word!
    I will also be doing triathlons and trying to balance work, art, fitness and relationships. So I look forward to seeing your progress on your journey.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I feel very special sharing these wishes of yours. I know that you will make them all come true for you are really wonderful at making each day very special.
    Maureen in MD

  3. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Sue, love your blog! Love your honesty, your "realness" ( is that even a word?) Your creative ideas are awesome. All I can say is keep on blogging!! Debbie (Maine)

  4. Happy New Year, Susan! You have really put a lot of thought into that list... I'm glad to be along for the ride! ;0)

  5. Wow! You have given yourself quite an agenda for 2009. May you have the energy to realize all your wishes.

  6. Good luck! Lofty goals, but you make up for me not making any goals.

  7. How wonderful to be able to have your thoughts organized enough to write them down. And to THINK. I don't seem to think anymore. I just exist. Something's wrong with that. I think I gotta get a plan.

  8. This may sound a bit wierd, Susan... but my wish for you (along with supporting all the fabulous wishes on your list) is that you will take a few days off now and then... a few days to just be, a few days when you don't have to try to make your wishes a reality, where you do not have to be perfect or even good. I love your blog and that we had beading time together in '08... it's one of my treasured memories for the year! Hugs, Robin A.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!