
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Accessories of Old

Located about 40 minutes away from my home, there exists the most fabulous vintage notions shop called Accessories of Old.

It's filled to the rafters with vintage buttons, trims, beads and other ephemera. And, Lisa and Andrew, the couple that owns the store are just as enthusiastic and delightful as their merchandise.

Originally from Johannesberg, Lisa's family ran the largest haberdashery in Africa going back many generations. You can read about their interesting story here. A trip to this wonderful store will not disappoint!

I had gone there specifically to get a few yards of wide velvet ribbon.

In the past, I would have had to order it online in order to get the swiss-imported, rayon velvet ribbon that I love so much. It's so wonderful for me to now have a store I can go to purchase what I need as a project arises. Especially now that many of the local fabric stores are no longer carrying the finer ribbons and trims.

It's impossible to go there without discovering another new treasure that's been unpacked. Yesterday, I was lucky enough to arrive just as a box of vintage millinery flowers had been opened. And just a few had to come home and live with me.

Accessories of Old has an online store and Lisa has her own blog titled A Vintage Dream. Pop over, see her creations and check out the latest from this woman who is living her creative dream surrounded by all those perfectly wonderful supplies. If you see something on her blog that you love, give them a ring and I'm sure they will do their best to send it along to you.

It's days like yesterday that energize my spirit to overflowing! To be able to buy such beautiful supplies in such a friendly, warm, cozy and festive atmosphere...well, that just puts me over the top!

This is my version of a Winter Wonderland and it doesn't get any better...


  1. Wow! That looks like a fabulous store to go and visit! :) Thank you for sharing it with me! :)

  2. Lucky you!! What a great place to explore.

  3. Wow! A true wonderland...Next time I visit my cousins in Bethesda I am heading to Baltimore! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Certainly an "afternoon store" know, the kind you spend the afternoon in! It's so beautiful!

  5. Anonymous10:32 AM

    WOW!!! If Heaven has a supply store, THIS would be it!! Debbie (Maine)

  6. Gosh, Susan, and to think we missed this store also last fall! It's probably a good thing though since we didn't have an extra suitcase.... There are a couple of stores in Portland, OR, that sound a bit similar.....dangerous places to shop, but oh so fun! I watched a lady calmly pay $80 for ONE button....... How's your knitting coming? I'm on th 4th mitt and the yarn is dwindling!

  7. Field trip, field trip!!!

  8. What a fabulous shop!

  9. Oh, man... I am sooo glad I don't live close enough to make a trip... seriously beautiful stuff in that shop! I could spend way to much money there. ;0)

  10. I am really pouting now.

  11. Oh, my gosh, I'm so envious! I want to go to that store right *now*! Where is it? I love just looking in the front window. You lucky duck. I'm going over to the online shop you mentioned, but it won't be the same.

  12. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Accessories of Old is an amazing store and it's worth the visit just to get to meet Lisa & Andrew. They are such good people with so many interesting stories to tell. Take a peek at Lisa's blog as well at:

  13. I hadn't looked at your blog in a while, so I had several posts to catch up on! I just had to let you know, I loved your ice skate ornament, and also the cq bear you received in the exchange. Your stitching is fabulous, and I enjoy your blog! Merry Christmas!

  14. Thank you for sharing! What a wonderful store! Do they know what a talented woman they have as a customer?

  15. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Susan -
    Another great post about a great place. I am sorry we didn't get to go the other day. I will have to make a trip, I want to see their decorations.
    I am wondering though what you will be doing with that beautiful ribbon you bought?
    Also thanks for all the nice things you said about our luncheon.

  16. Could I go to the poor house with you via this store? I think it would be worth it!

  17. *DROOL!*

    What a cruel post - all those sumptuous photos of things that are 5 time zones away and that I can come and look at! Well, at least I got my free embroidery machine foot today and just ordered some nice machine threads etc...... That will have to do.

    OK, back to college work else there'll be nothing to blog about!!!

  18. I want to come on that field trip with Allie.

    This place would certainly put me over the top also.

    In fact just loking at it on your blog gave me a wonderful feeling. Maybe you have to be a crazy quilter or sewer to get that excited feeling when you see something like this.

    I really enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work.

  19. That store looks like heaven to me! You are truly blessed to be near it, or maybe cursed too with the temptation? I would probably have to get kicked out at the end of the day, with all the things to look at and touch! Sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

  20. At the risk of sounding terribly redundant.... Wow! And Allie, put me down for the field trip as well! Maybe we can combine it with a trip to the Textile Museum? I'm also dying to see what you're going to do with your brand new velvet ribbons -- would any of them be that lovely blue color you've been using a lot of lately?

  21. Anonymous2:07 PM

    All right I'll be honest...I'm quite jealous of you being so close to such a wonderful shop! I'm glad you made some pictures for us to enjoy it with you, tank you! ;-)

  22. I was browsing this morning and found the shop then read about your visit. How cool! You would have to hand me a brown paper bag at the door because I would surely hyperventilate!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!