
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3rd Annual Turkey Trot, Run, Amble, Walk or Crawl

I know the rest of the world has moved onto Christmas but I'm just not there yet. I'm still processing Thanksgiving and my pictures from our trip to Texas to visit Jim's family.

Three years ago, I made the tentative suggestion that we start a one-mile Turkey Trot the day after Thanksgiving. I thought it would be good to "air ourselves out" after eating such a big meal and lounging around watching football the day before...

Well, it went over a lot better than I thought it would. Jim's family was actually open to the idea -- but they did have a problem with the word "trot". They thought that sounded too ambitious...a one-hour discussion ensued on the various titles for our now annual Turkey Trot, Run, Amble, Walk or Crawl.

As you guessed by the title, anything goes -- the point is to get outside and cover the one mile distance and back. So, early on Friday just after coffee but before showers and breakfast, we lined up at the starting line for our Third Annual event.

My husband Jim felt the need for a little prayer just in case he didn't make it back.

This is Ruth.

She's Jim's 85-year-old Aunt. She is always rip-roarin', rarin' to go and up for a good time. I love her zest for life and her pink warm up pants! Last year when we had to run an errand to the liquor store, the store was giving away free tequila shots. Ruth and I had three shots of tequila apiece because Ruth was trying to decide which tequila was the smoothest. This woman can party! She just will tell you that she has to take a three hour nap in the afternoon, that's all.

After minimal grousing, everyone seems to look forward to our event. My SIL Patricia made us all matching shirts for this year's race. She also won this year's "Make-Over of the Year Award" for losing 50 pounds!! I already put my husband's name in the running for next year -- we'll see if it works!

This Thanksgiving, my MIL also announced that she was tired of cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Next year she won't be cooking.

Evidently, next year, the Fourth Annual Turkey Trot, Run, Amble, Walk or Crawl will be held here, on the deck of the Disney Magic Cruise Ship!!! Woo-hooo!!!!!


  1. What a fun tradition! I'd definitely have to do the walk... definitely! ;0) A Disney cruise, that sounds like great fun for the whole family!

  2. 1 - I love the Trot! We used to do after dinner walks all the time with my grandparents and we all enjoyed it. What a cool tradition.

    2 - The cruise is a brilliant idea! We were away from home for Thanksgiving this year (visiting family though). We kept talking about doing a big family trip to Disney in the next few years, a trip where all of us from around the country could go. I'll definitely have to give the cruise idea some thought!

  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    that is a very good idea. my family would still be arguing about whether or not to do it. and i think your MIL is a very sensible lady - Im glad she didnt expect anyone else to do it - going out sounds like a great plan.

  4. The nonprofit where I used to work sponsors an annual fundraiser walk called the Turkey Trot just before Thanksgiving..... Our son just ran a half marathon in Seattle last Sunday; now there's a way to work off the calories! The cruise idea sounds good to also!

  5. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I've been wondering how this turned out this year. It sounds like you have them all moving for next year.
    Way to go.

  6. Christmas never comes to me, I'm delighted to say. Major kudos to your SIL for the huge weight loss! Go Girl!=)

  7. What a great tradition! And best that your family looks like they really enjoy time together! What fun to have a Thanksgiving cruise to lookforward to for next year!

  8. You have such a fun life!

  9. Ruth sounds awesome! :) What a great family tradition - I think I'll suggest it for my crew next year. A cruise sounds nice, too...

  10. I like the matching T shirts!

  11. Thanks for sharing more on the Turkey Trot! I also felt like people put away Thanksgiving way too quickly...You've helped me to catch up with my time warp...

  12. You've got a fun bunch there. It sounds like you'll have a good time no matter where you spend Thanksgiving next year.


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